Sorry, I can’t do the whole Wordless Wednesday thing. I’m just not that good of a photographer. But I thought that every week I would post photos of New York things that catch my eye and then write a million words about it. Hey, if you don’t like it, get an injunction, the court are open!
Ok, do you see the weird thing about this truck? It’s the “Driver does not carry cash” sign. Shouldn’t it say “Driver does not carry baked goods” instead? Because who needs cash if you can have Entenmann’s Walnut Ring? Disclaimer: I do not advocate hijacking Entenmann’s trucks for cash or baked goods.
So Saks has decided to sabotage my plans to post a weekly photo of their window display by having the most sonarific display that I have ever seen. It’s enormous bottles of Ralph Lauren perfume bottles. Â If there is a huge demand, and a blog riot, I will post the picture, but otherwise, trust me: Â yawn. Â Not to be deterred, I went across the street and took this picture of the American Girl store display:
I just realized that it’s sort of odd that American Girl is right down the block from Saks. Like, it’s an easy transition for the girls to graduate from one store to another.
I thought the American Girl window display was interesting and I liked that they prominently featured books, until I thought OMG–does that say “twats”?
Oh. Tawts. What the hell is that? And shouldn’t they be more careful about which page they display for all the world to see, with the impressionable minds out there?!
Finally, here is another image that I see almost every day, when I enter Fifth Avenue.

I bet you’ve seen this statute of Atlas in front of Rockefeller Center many times. But I like the back view and not just because he has an amazing ass, but because you can see St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the background. I wonder if that was the first time that “ass” and “St. Patrick’s Cathedral” were combined in the same sentence? On Monday, as I walked across the street from St. Patrick’s, a man, dressed in a suit, rushing along, crossed himself, and blew a kiss in its direction. Although I am not a religious person, it was strangely moving to me. Someone, in the morning rush, taking the time to pay tribute to his faith. Good grief, I hope I’m not having a nervous breakdown and getting all sentimental.
One year ago ...
- South Beach, The Beginning - 2010
{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }
I love your photos! You’re inspiring me to get out and take photos of Warsaw.
I totally think we should have Werbose Wednesday (and I read it the way it’s supposed to sound because W’s = V’s in my head).
Oh, and my dad – who will be the subject of a forthcoming blog post – always crosses himself when we pass a Catholic church. He would be that guy. Good thing he’s never been to Warsaw – he’d never be doing anything but crossing himself.
Am now hearing teeek Russian ackzent in my head. Now I must find moose and squirrel. Perhaps Sarah can help me?
But that’s an interesting shot of Atlas and the cathedral. And given the recent history of the church, that’s probably NOT the first time those words have been in the same sentence. I’m just sayin’…
Having a giveaway this week. Please be a dear and stop by when you get the chance. 🙂
That is an awesome picture of Atlas and St. Patrick’s!
Oh – how I love reading your blog over my morning coffee.
Luv the pix – Atlas does have a great butt, maybe I should show the pic to my husband to give him something to aspire to.
I love the fact that I know what twat is and probably 90% of the country doesn’t.
Thanks for the giggles this morning.
Oh yeah! Well, I’ve just about had it with your little Manhattan pictures. So I’ve posted one of my own in your honor today.
Take that Marinka!
I just thought about it–can you imagine what it would be like to be married to Atlasinka?
“I am holding the whole world on my shoulders, and you’re trying to pull that ’emotional pajamas’ shit on me? Put turnips in my stew! Walk the dog! Plug in the lamp! I repeat, me=WORLD ON MY SHOULDERS, you=’blogging’.”
God, what a pain in the ass that would be. I should kiss Husbandrinka’s feet.
This morning on the way to work I saw…the freeway. So depressing, I wish I had those kind of views on the way to work.
That was great, but not as good as your comment!
I love the NY photos. Damn how I miss the city. My husband would move to NY in a heartbeat if I agreed. I can’t seem to give up all the free babysitting we get from having family so near by. So maybe we’ll move to NYC if you agree to quit your job and watch our kids for free. No?
Oh well. I’ll just enjoy NYC through you on Wednesdays.
I have to guess no. It might be disrespectful, but I honestly think that at some point, in the history of Catholicism, someone has said, ‘man, there was some nice ass at St. Paddy’s today.’
He does have a nice ass.
Oh now I am getting all sentimental.
They should take that temptation away from the front of the church. No wonder those priests were getting themselves in trouble.
My favorite picture is the last one…and not because of the Cathedral…sorry, but true! 🙂
After what Opie and Anthony urged two of their listeners to do in St. Patricks, I bet The Lord vastly prefers your celebration of the human derriere.
I love the idea of people holding up the truck for pastries. And thanks for that last picture. That is worth a trip to NYC.
Marinka, you should check out this, relates to an older post of yours on this subject!
Anonymous, that is hysterical! Thanks for thinking of me!
You know what I hate? When the Haagen Dazs emblazoned truck gets opened and there’s other brands of ice cream inside. Or, when the Budweiser truck’s doors open and it’s not all Bud inside. Think it’s really nothing but Entenmen’s in there?
Atlas does have a nice ass. It’s probably because he eats less Entenmann’s than I do.
Finally, someone is bucking the whole “Wordless Wed” thing with something new. Werbose Wed is a nice change. Great pics.
Thank you so much! I have NEVER been to the city, and love, love, love shots from there! Not sure what tawts are either, but I”m pretty sure mine are huge.
Ditto on the Entenmann’s truck. Can’t find that brand anywhere in town anymore and I nearly burst into tears when I saw the picture. No, not really. Well, almost.