Thank you everyone for your input about the back cover of the book.
Your advice has been very important and it’s getting us closer to the best Nicki’s ass can ever be.
Peajaye did another work up of it and after seeing it I am confident that I will never have another olive again.
So I wrote back and asked if the cat butt can be smaller and also less prominent and Peajaye broke down and asked me to photograph Nicki’s butt because apparently he’s not a cat butt expert and has exhausted his cat butt Googling skills.
And I did. Because as a children’s book author, I feel a certain responsibility for accuracy. I’m thinking of the children, you see.
And then I emailed Peajaye the photo of Nicki’s butt and I’m telling you, I must have quadruple checked the email address, because that’s not the kind of message that you want to mis-address.
Nicki wasn’t happy about it, either.
But Peajaye found the photo super-helpful, so that’s certainly a relief.
And now we’re stuck on the cover.
So, again, I need your input.
I may have made an offhand comment about the cover looking a little too “Come, little children, join the gay life!” because Peajaye then reworked it a bit to this:
VERY FUNNY, PEAJAYE. I AM PROTECTING THE CHILDREN OF AMERICA. Against inter-species marriage, apparently.
By the way, when I explained all this to my Mama and showed her the photo of Nicki’s ass that I emailed to Peajaye, she just said, “if someone didn’t know you, they’d think you were insane.”
One year ago ...
- Texts From a Marriage - 2013
{ 45 comments… read them below or add one }
Twitter: SheSuggests
August 23, 2011 at 12:39 am
Number two..though I feel awkward saying that while the cat tuchus winks at all of us…
Twitter: nicole_pelotn
August 23, 2011 at 1:29 am
That last one, for sure. ok, ok – if I had to pick 1 or 2 I’d say 1, orange is my current favorite color though so may be biased.
Twitter: NorthWestMommy
August 23, 2011 at 2:28 am
How come Husbadrinka doesn’t have the uh-ahhh face like you three? I am going with #2. Back in the morning again, with my kids opinion.
I like option deux because the red writing on blue background hurts my eyes. I can’t wait to see what the back cover ends up looking like!
Twitter: MamaWantsThis
August 23, 2011 at 4:38 am
I like the 2nd option, it’s bright without being blinding and looks, er, friendly. And thanks for the olive analogy, now I’ll have Nicki’s butt on my mind when I see one.
I really like number 2…. but not a huge fan of Nicki’s picture in the midst of the art. Since Paejay seems to be brilliant, no possibility of an artistic rendering there too?
I much prefer the second book cover, but I also like the rainbow stripes! And your mama never ceases to make me laugh!
Twitter: deckthoughts
August 23, 2011 at 7:25 am
Schmamy and I are on the same page, er, cover. To me, the only cover the photos of Nicki actually work is #3. The colors on #2 are eye-catching and the words easy to read. #1 is way too dark for a kids book.
Twitter: mommyshorts
August 23, 2011 at 8:30 am
I had some olive tapenade last night and I’m feeling a little nauseous.
In all seriousness, I like the colors in Option Deux. And I am an art director, so you should value my opinion above all others.
Option Deux it seems to pop better with the colors 😀
Twitter: AnnaLefler
August 23, 2011 at 8:50 am
My choice is Option Deux.
And as soon as I can find the attachment button for this form, I’ll be sending along a photo of my butt as well.
You’re welcome.
I vote cover two.
Twitter: subwow
August 23, 2011 at 9:22 am
+ 1 for Cover 2. But you may as well go with the rainbow version: the people remind me of American Dad (that mom is hot) and instinctively I just assume it is a raunchy party inside…
Twitter: asideofrice
August 23, 2011 at 9:56 am
These covers make me hungry for Skittles. #2 – and hold the olives.
Twitter: gdrpempress
August 23, 2011 at 10:13 am
NO NO NO to the cat anus.
I just can’t , Marinka, I just can’t put my blessing on that.
Of all the offerings, number two is the most eye fetching to me.
I am childlike, so, I’d trust my opinion.
This is exciting… I can say, “I HELPED PICK OUT THE COVER>”
I’ll shout it, too, just like that.
It’s ok, Marinka, I’m canceling out Alexandra’s “No cat anus” with my “cat anus all the way”.
Going against trend, here, but I like option 1.
And even those of us who know you (as much as your regular readers can) still think you might be insane. Not that that’s a bad thing.
Number 2- the deep purple is depressing me and reminds me of Smooth Jazz, I don’t know why.
The rainbow one
I know I’m almost alone in my choice (thanks, Zee!) but I like #1. And, that’s the opinion of someone who’s taught for over 20 years, most of those in kdg. I think it’s more visually appealing. Now, the olive…not so much…
The cat butt! the cat butt! the horror! it follows me around the house!!!!
Also, I have a craving for olives. Damn you.
I also like the underdog cover #1.
And I think you’re in the same camp as my family – “good crazy”. That’s how I describe them.
Twitter: Peajaye
August 23, 2011 at 2:19 pm
To anyone whose eyes are burning from having to look at another cat butt pic, my apologies. But please imagine the trauma I’ve endured in drawing them. Again and again. And again.
I’m beginning to think Marinka secretly works for Michele Bachmann’s husband who turns gays into “straights,” and there’s some sort of clandestine aversion therapy going on here.
I can see why you two get along so well!
I’ve never liked olives. But do love Mama!!
Twitter: jackadillo_p
August 23, 2011 at 3:08 pm
Option deux, but that’s only if Option Gay Pride is really a joke — otherwise I totally vote for that one. Option one seems a little dark.
Why is it that only Husbandrinka is the one that really seems happy about the cat? You other three look a little shocked, maybe even frightened?
Twitter: AdorkableKati
August 23, 2011 at 5:05 pm
And I still liked the idea of the last from your last discussion on Nicki’s butt (wow, yet another sentence I never thought I’d type) of hanging a “The End” sign from her tail and covering the, er, butthole altogether.
Twitter: slowpanic
August 23, 2011 at 7:35 pm
I like the first one.
You are damn funny–Not insane 🙂
How come you didn’t post the actual photo of Nicki’s butt so we could judge for ourselves the authenticity of Peajaye’s rendering? I can only assume you were trying to prevent our corneas from exploding.
when i was in college the most notorious student on campus went by the single name moniker “catbutt” i had forgotten him until now, so already your book is doing much good in the world.
and now to go google to see what catbutt is up to these days… i can only guess i am gonna be impressed
Dayum…..Husbandrinka is hot. In a Ronnie-From-The-Jersey-Shore-Kinda-Muscley-Way.
I am for cover number 2, and, after this, I don’t think I will be eating calamata olives any time soon either…
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
August 23, 2011 at 11:16 pm
I like one and two. Helpful aren’t I?
I’d like to see the photo of Nicki’s butt that you sent.
Twitter: gonnakillhim
August 24, 2011 at 10:10 am
Not a cat butt expert, ha.
That olive anus has put me off appetizers for life.
Twitter: jukeboxbarb
August 24, 2011 at 10:52 am
Poor Nicki. The indignity.
Deux looks like something I’d see in a bookstore. Make of that what you will. 🙂
Twitter: MommysMartini
August 24, 2011 at 9:20 pm
I like second cover. I think the first is a little dark, and the subtitle is too hard to read. This is fun!
Twitter: theflyingchlupa
August 24, 2011 at 9:54 pm
I vote for the second one.
Pimento olive, anyone?
Twitter: noshoppingliz
August 24, 2011 at 10:17 pm
#2, yo.
This just confirms why I’ve never liked olives.
I like #1. And I’m not just being obstinate.
Twitter: hotcomestodie
August 28, 2011 at 9:06 pm
I’m going to vote for the last one, the rainbow cover. Because the gays have all the money. And you need that to buy things. Like books about cat butts. And of course, there’s the whole BUTT connection.
I’m probably going to get fired from the internet for this comment.