Photo credit: Solomon, my friend’s 10 year old son. I love the kid’s vantage point.
Last week I was relaxing and watching Lance Armstrong confess to Oprah, when suddenly I got an email from my children’s biological father. You know, Husbandrinka. I’m trying out some new nicknames for him.
He mentioned that a friend of ours “got two more tickets to the Inauguration ceremony (outdoors) and the main ball Monday evening. Warning, the ball has 25,000 people. He’s inviting us. As a practical matter we’d have to drive to DC Sunday evening and drive back Tuesday morning.” He asked if I were game.
Shall we go over all the things that are wrong with this plan?
First of all, like any moron knows, The Bachelor is on Monday night, and there is no mention that it’s going to be streamed into the ballroom. I mean, the Inauguration happens every four years, but The Bachelor is only on Mondays, so you tell me how that’s not an open and shut case?!
Second of all, a ball? A BALL? I have neither a gown nor a fairy godmother, so according to the Gospel of Brothers Grimm, I’m screwed.
Third of all, 25,000 people. That seems like a lot. What if I hate them all?
Fourth of all, the whole outside thing. That sounds very brrrr-y.
Oh, and the whole I’ma mom and have to take care of the kids thing. So, I’m not going. But Husbandrinka is. Because it has always been his “dream” to go to an Inauguration. Without me, apparently.
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Twitter: danasfeast
January 19, 2013 at 7:11 pm
I’ll keep an eye on him.
Aw, man. I would so want to be there! Even if it was miserable, just to say I was.
Twitter: kidsvomitmice
January 19, 2013 at 9:42 pm
Go with him and have one of your DC blogging friends keep an eye on the kids for you. Just go to Nordstrom’s (or whatever you have up there) and tell them you need a dress for an Inaugural Ball. Charge it to the friend who got you the tickets.
Awwww congrats to Husbandrinka! And now you have this HUGE thing to hold over his head forevermore. And you can hear all about it afterward without having to experience the extreme Brrrr or the big 25K crowds in person. Win/win/win!
Brrrrr-y is my new favorite word. It’s very brrr-y where I live. All the time. Send sympathy. Also, how dare Husbandrinka dream without you?
Twitter: hessleman
January 20, 2013 at 1:00 am
I am not happy about this. Not one bit. Can’t your parents mind the kids? C’mon!!
So, is your kids’ biological dad going to write the next guest post about the inauguration?!!
regarding the photo……is that really….?!!!
yes, of course!
Twitter: L8enough
January 20, 2013 at 6:34 am
While I love turning down once in a lifetime opportunities too, I’m sad you aren’t going. You could’ve told Obama is he had any boogers!
Twitter: mannahattamamma
January 20, 2013 at 7:42 am
Wait. A. Minute. You’re telling me that a woman of your talents, abilities, and talented ability to blackmail–er, persuade–can’t find SOMEONE to take your kids for a few days so you can go to the INAUGURATION? 25,000 people, brr-y or not, I don’t care. Rent yourself a dress (or not, cuz with 25K people, who the fuck cares what you’re wearing), rent yourself a car, rent yourself a babysitter. If nothing else, you’re passing up some serious blog fodder, and THAT is no laughing matter. Besides, you don’t want to give the biological father the chance to oogle Michelle’s arms without having your willowy blonde self by his side.
Are you crazy?!?!! You have to go! Ladrinka can stay with us! MBD too for that matter.
Ditto, ditto, ditto. GO!
But you have to go! Even I would go, and I hate missingtv/goingoutinthecold/findingthingstowear/leavingthe kids
okay maybe not that last one.
We’re going to DC after BlogHer and I was thinking it would be fun to do a White House tour. Maybe my kids would stop thinking they were half-British. “C’est quand qu’on va en Angleterre?” (When are we going to England again?)
Twitter: asideofrice
January 20, 2013 at 11:15 am
As exciting as it would be to go, you couldn’t pay me enough to get me anywhere near Washington, DC today or tomorrow. Unless you were attending, of course.
Twitter: hotcomestodie
January 20, 2013 at 12:40 pm
ARE YOU CRAZY???? Go to the inauguration.
My parents were going to the JFK inauguration but he was assassinated. I still have the invitation.
Twitter: FranklyCVD
January 20, 2013 at 1:37 pm
If I were in your shoes, I would…not go either for all of the same excuses er’ reasons as you. I can relate to not being a fan of THO and missing The Bachelor? Does no one value a good cat fight, promiscuity, and narcissism anymore?
If you do decide to go, ya know for one reason or another, do not forget the invitation. Though, the last woman to crash a party at the White House ended up marrying the guitarist for Journey…
I will personally pack up the children and the pug and come to your house to watch your children. And Nikki. Whom I hope my pug will not eat.
Are you serious?!?!?! I wish you were going instead of him. I mean, HELLLLLO blog-fodder!!!!!
Ha! I love your reasons for not going. Fairy godmother aside, I hope The Bachelor was worth it!
Marinka your sense of duty towards your tv and children is astonishing.
My life opportunities came to an end when Joseph Stalin died, I remember that day very well.
How could you not go????
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
January 24, 2013 at 8:47 pm
I had the most wonderful miserable time!!