It’s time, once again, for I’m Right, You’re Wrong–a post where I share a disagreement that I had with a loved one and ask the internet to weigh in. To protect the scientific integrity of this process, I don’t disclose which position I support.
This week’s dilemma is brought to us by the tragic news that Kim Kardashian filed for divorce after merely 73 days of marital not-exactly-bliss.
We are all processing the news in our own way, of course, but one thing is certain: each of us will remember where we were the moment that we heard the news. It is the story that we will tell our grandchildren, when they nestle on our lap and ask us about that dark day in the closing months of 2011.
There are many questions that remain: Was Kris really blindsided? Is living in Minnesota so awful that you have to leave the person you in order to avoid it? Did Kim and Kris really never have the conversation about their life together? WHAT THE FUCK WAS KRIS WEARING WHEN SHE WAS ON THE TODAY SHOW?
But when all those questions get tossed around, the one that remains is this–
Dilemma: Was the whole Kim Kardashian wedding and subsequent divorce staged? Like for ratings and cash and general whoredom?
Disagreers: Mama and Marinka
Position One: No, it was not staged. Kim Kardashian is certainly not a spokesperson for making wise decisions, but I think she did intend to marry for love and all that other stuff that makes people insist that marriage should be an exclusively heterosexual right.
Position Two: Ridiculous. Of course it was staged. Normal people don’t have huge wedding of century and then part ways a few months later. Did she not know the person she was marrying? Were they forced to get married? No. They did it for money and to make more morons watch stupid show.
What do you say? And what, if anything, can we do, as a nation, to heal?
One year ago ...
- Guess Who? - 2010
{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }
Twitter: wendiaarons
November 3, 2011 at 4:39 pm
I’m guessing Mama is opinion #2 since you left out a few articles. So does that mean you think it wasn’t staged? I thought you were jaded, Marinka. It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.
PS: Kris was wearing a vintage Hofbrau waitress uniform. They’re the new thing.
Sorry. Can’t bring myself to care. I just had to comment that it’s hysterical the DeBeers engagement rings was the ad for the post. 🙂
Twitter: highlyirritable
November 3, 2011 at 5:01 pm
I go with position one, but personally think Kim may be better of in a gay marriage, perhaps to one of her sisters. They can do each other’s hair.
I’m stopping there because I don’t want to ever use the words “Kardashian” and “position” in the same sentence ever again.
Twitter: lainiegal
November 3, 2011 at 5:02 pm
We will never heal from this loss. It cuts too deep. All hope and faith in humanity and all the goodness we live for is shattered. Lost. Like a dream dreamt but never realized. Married for love? Who does that? You marry for fame and fortune and everyone who’s anyone knows this. She set the way. Marked the path to true happiness. Now?? Now there is nothing. Nothing I say. What is there to live for now? How will we go on?
Kim. Oh Kim………….
Twitter: jackadillo_p
November 3, 2011 at 5:06 pm
I, for one, am just glad the split occurred on Halloween, at a time when the nation can drown its sorrows in copious amounts of candy. I’m really not sure how I could cope with this tragic news were it not for the ready availability of Snickers.
Twitter: neilochka
November 3, 2011 at 5:07 pm
I believe it was true love.
Kall me jaded, but I don’t believe any Kardashian does anything that isn’t for publicity or cold, hard Kash.
And I truly hate the fact that there are brain cells in my head that have Kardashian karved into them.
I overheard your conversation and the only notable expression I carried out of it was: “This big ugly armenian ass.”
Twitter: Kwatson8
November 3, 2011 at 7:07 pm
I live for your dads comments. Seriously. My day is nothing when he doesn’t comment.
Twitter: jukeboxbarb
November 3, 2011 at 7:15 pm
I concur with Wendi’s analysis. WTF, Marinka?
Twitter: sellabitmum
November 3, 2011 at 9:20 pm
I am just so fucking glad Kim is not coming to live near me in Minnesota.
Now, my husband is from Connecticut and it truly was almost a deal breaker for him when I told him that he must move to Minnesota if we were to marry. I remember his mother, who is from Long Island, asking him if we had “tall buildings” and “stores” nearby for shopping? WTF?
Twitter: marta28
November 4, 2011 at 10:32 am
WTF indeed. When I was in Chicago for a wedding in September the manicurist literally said to me, “Minnesota that is like back woods yes?”
Twitter: kalisah
November 3, 2011 at 9:37 pm
I don’t buy the whole “She got caught up in the hoopla” argument. If that were so, wouldn’t you try to make it work? It’s the 72 days that screams lack of sincerity.
Twitter: annanonamus
November 3, 2011 at 11:42 pm
Position 2.
And also, I have a feeling Kris raided that shit from her dead great grandmother’s closet, took scissors to it, and called it Couture.
Sorry, Marinka, but this time mama is kright. Of course they staged it so morons watch stupid show. This whole controversy is, frankly, beneath you. Could you please get back to your We Weekly updates?
Twitter: lainiegal
November 4, 2011 at 11:47 am
Haha. I concur.
Twitter: asideofrice
November 4, 2011 at 7:30 am
I’m with Mama on this one. I’ve never $een a family with le$$ talent make $o much money b$sed on that fact that they are … well … talentle$$. Kuz if talentless families kan earn gobs of Kash, the Rice family is available – and much kheaper than the Karda$hian$.
Someone please explain to the poor little Belgian girl why these Kardashians are famous…
It’s very complicated to explain. It may be better if you send us some of that Belgian chocolate that we’ve been hearing so much about and we’ll send you the Kardashians. No take backsies!
Twitter: annsrants
November 4, 2011 at 10:00 am
I blame the classic madonna/whore/slutty pilgrim dress construct of femininity in our culture.
For us to heal we have to ignore the people who’s name begins with K.
Twitter: marta28
November 4, 2011 at 10:29 am
As a resident of Minnesota I take great offense to her unwillingness to live here. However, all the better for me. Maybe Kris can meet me and give me a $2 Million dollar ring. I can remind him that we lived in the same dorms Freshman Year and were probably at the same parties.
Also, my favorite reaction was my 4.5 year old son’s who overheard me and his dad talking about it, “Didn’t she know we have TOYS here?”
Who? What?
Twitter: TheSuniverse
November 4, 2011 at 11:53 am
73 days? Position 2.
I’m crushed. It was a such a sad day in my house when I heard the news. I just knew they were so In Love, it couldn’t have possibly been for publicity sake. My dreams are shattered.
Seriously, I’m crushed ’cause I lost the pool on that one. I had my bet in at 90 days.
Twitter: Jomoblogger
November 4, 2011 at 3:27 pm
LOVE this! And I have to say, I agree with Position 2….duh.