Today as Young Ladrinka and I were walking to school, I said that I really didn’t want to go to work today. This turned out to be an incredible coincidence and Young Ladrinka told me that he, too, did not want to go to school today so we should just go home and relax.
And it was tempting. But as a positive role model and Murderer of All Things Fun in the First Degree, I had to say no.
But for a few moments there, the world was our oyster.
Speaking of oysters, (awkward transition alert!) I got a notice from Amazon that the time is running out to buy an extended warranty for my Kindle Fire. You can only buy it within 30 days of buying the Kindle. And Amazon is kind enough to give you examples of the kinds of accidents you could be facing:
Years of Accident Coverage for your Kindle
The vast majority of Kindle failures occur because of accidents. With the 2-Year Warranty + Accident Protection for Kindle, you are protected starting from day one if breaks occur because of an accident, for example:
* Your child knocks it off a table
* The dog chews it
* You drop it in water
* It gets stepped on
How is compiling this list of accidents for Amazon not the best job that anyone can have?
I can just see the first drafts:
Your child chews it.
Your cat knocks it off the table.
You step on your dog who then steps on the Kindle.
Paula Deen covers it in bacon and eats it.
So I’m filled with indecision today. Should I get the extra warranty coverage against accidents?
See? If I played hooky like wise Young Ladrinka advised, I could think this through properly.
This post contains an Amazon affiliate link.
One year ago ...
- Fear and Trembling - 2013
{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }
Ahh, nothing like a good hooky day. You should indulge next time.
That is so the best job ever.
Twitter: Peajaye
January 18, 2012 at 11:18 am
There’s something ironic about dropping a Fire into water, but I just can’t figure out what it is.
and about walking on Fire. Well maybe less “ironic” and more “ouchy”.
I see they changed the warranty pitch from a product defect to your family screwing it up.
I think they’re going for more relate-able. OMG. I don’t know how to spell that word.
As someone who’s child chews on her Kindle on a daily basis, I can tell you that you can cross that one off the list – no damage occurs, not even tiny little tooth marks.
Oh, oops. It was child knocking off table, dog chewing. Hmmm… Haven’t tried either of those yet.
Twitter: hokgardner
January 18, 2012 at 11:49 am
My sister bought a Kindle when the first came out, and within a week of getting it, her boyfriend crushed it accidentally. She called Amazon and they sent her a replacement, no questions asked. Sounds like that’s not the policy any more.
Twitter: RedScotPrin
January 18, 2012 at 1:54 pm
My first Kindle was the 139.00 I bought in 2010, it died one month after the year warranty and Amazon was less than helpful. I still caved and bought the FIRE and if that goes wonky at month 13 I shall LIGHT IT ON FIRE and throw it through the windows of Amazon.
Does that help? No? Sorry.
Twitter: CTSanders
January 18, 2012 at 3:34 pm
My husband bought me one for Christmas, it’s getting replaced tomorrow, keeps shutting off, but he did mention I should buy the warranty. Can you let us know if you decide to, I’m on the fence.
I have an iPad, and bought the warranty. My 4 year old granddaughter dropped it 3 weeks after I got it, and they replaced it. Otherwise it would have been an $800 oops. My daughter had hers in a bag in the car and threw something else on tops of it and cracked hers. No warranty, now she uses a cracked screen. My brother knocked his off a table about a month after buying it, no warranty. He had to buy a new one. I don’t know how the Fire compares in fragility to the iPad, but it is probably worth it. I also recently bought an $80 Otterbox case for my ipad to protect it. For something you use a lot, I think it is worth it.
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
January 18, 2012 at 11:02 pm
Do not buy that warranty. Do not.
Twitter: NorthWestMommy
January 19, 2012 at 1:45 am
Just tell everyone to play with fire. Reverse psychology or something.
We bought one, you kinda need to, if you don’t live alone.
Twitter: wendiaarons
January 19, 2012 at 8:43 am
I’m chewing on my Kindle right now. Tastes like chicken.
Twitter: marta28
January 19, 2012 at 9:35 am
I just realized when my kids get old enough I’m going to be so easily suckered into a day of hooky. In fact I’d like to pull them out of daycare now and go enjoy a matinee of TinTin instead of sitting here at work. I will try to use your self restraint as a teaching tool.
This is why I’m afraid of e-readers. What if you’re reading in the bath or at the beach and it gets wet? Will they actually cover it? What if you’re drunk on red wine while you’re in the bath? Do they cover it if you spill red wine on it? Hmmm….
The evolution really works…..
How many times I asked to stay home and just hang out with me offering you a fully legitimate excuse note for the school?
But I am still not ready to accept apes as my ancestors.
I would take the “dog chewing” bit seriously. My dog once chewed a library book titled “Basic Dog Training”. Seriously.
Twitter: asideofrice
January 19, 2012 at 11:36 am
I always buy the “in-case-we-do-something-really-REALLY-stupid” extended warranty. Which probably makes us really REALLY stupid on a totally new level.
As a preschooler, apparently I turned to my mom one day and said “Let’s get out of here and go to Pizza Hut.” We did.
In high school, I used to cut my last class but pick my mom up a slice on my way home as a peace offering.
Never noticed the pattern…perhaps pizza is the key here.
I believe the official term for yourself as role of rule-enforcer/mom is Fun Burglar. i.e. you snatched up all the fun from the room and ran like you stole it!
Twitter: mannahattamamma
January 19, 2012 at 3:14 pm
Wait. Amazon shmamazon. You work? You mean your fabulous job as a blogger, where you work in a skyrise with a 360 degree view of the city and wee minions who scurry to fill your every request (research amazon policy! get me cappucino! see where andy borowitz is playing!) … that’s your job, right? I can totally understand not wanting to play hooky from THAT. And you know what the “accident coverage” is, right? They just send you extra bubble wrap.
Dropping it in the toilet (snort).
Instead of getting a warranty on my iPad, I left it in a hotel lobby, and it quickly vanished. It had no password and was always logged in to Facebook and two email accounts. And those history files! Ah, the shame of it. I am living a happily tablet-free life. Hmm, maybe I can start a 12-step group. For tablets.
Twitter: TheSuniverse
January 23, 2012 at 4:45 pm
Am I the only parent who gladly let the girl stay home from school? I mean, granted, once she hit about 1st grade, she wasn’t interested in hanging out with me anymore, but I will admit that she had 10 absences in kindergarten. I don’t think they were all in one semester, but maybe.
I would totally get the warranty, mostly because I hate when shit breaks. And it ALWAYS breaks.