What I liked about his attitude, however, was that although his drawings sucked, he never relented and kept drawing away.  There’s something about beating one’s head against the wall that I really admire.  When he presented me with his drawings, and I’m using the term loosely, we had many conversations that went like this:
“This is lovely, thank you.â€
“Do you like it?â€
“I do.â€
“Do you know what it is?â€
“Oh, honey, who knows what anything is?  Not me! I’m not into labeling things.â€
“It’s a circle.â€
Recently, however, he had a breakthrough and his drawings improved dramatically. I started to swell with pride (or maybe turkey) imagining many gallery openings that I would be attending, because what mother doesn’t want her son to be a famous artist?
Over Thanksgiving weekend, he created this masterpiece:
It’s a winning Mets guy. Great, right?  Except my mama scrutinized it and said “is he missing a nose or a mouth?†And my son said, “A nose. I don’t draw noses because they make people look stupid. I also don’t do ears.†That’s not weird, right? It’s an artistic choice. And I figure that he could charge extra for those features. Place your orders now, while the getting is good. And if you’re anything like me, lack-o-nose is a big plus. And I mean BIG.
One year ago ...
- Unusual Advice - 2011
{ 38 comments… read them below or add one }
I’m all about artistic expression! It’s whatever you think it means and people pay good money for that. This is why I am now changing my career from “Life Artist” to Jewelry artist.
That and Life Artist didn’t make me any money. We’ll see how jewelry works out for me. Writing sure doesn’t.
as far as I am concerned, my kids can draw potato people forever and I am cool with it.
THAT is an awesome drawing and it made me happy to even look at it. I love all the detail in the background and that he used the whole page–the legs of the fans and skyline rock, as well as the “won” appendage coming out of his ear.
That pic is great! 🙂 My kid gets the facial features, but we sometimes lack in a body….just head, arms, legs…but we always get the hair!!
Fabulous! Maya often has to be reminded to add missing features but for her it’s a developmental thing – if he’s leaving them off on purpose then that’s simply The Artist Expressing His Vision. (Like how it sounds all serious and shit because I put it in caps?)
That is FANTASTIC! And, I AM an expert on these matters.
The problem I have with that picture is the Mets guy is WINNING. Did he win by killing the opposing team with that giant hot dog he’s holding?
xoxo, SG (who happens to be a Yankees fam)
An artist who knows what he likes. Good start.
I love that he already knows that he doesn’t draw certain things.
My younger girl is really into art. Really really really really really into it. Unfortunately, she has some dexterity issues and her handwriting and drawing are a little delayed. Consequently, even though she pours herself into her art at school, her work is never chosen for the big all-city art show every spring and it breaks her heart. Apparently, the schools want Monets, not Picassos.
After seeing the Calder exhibit at the Whitney, I would say your son has a very good chance at becoming an income producing artist. I wouldn’t expose him to any more art classes, they will ruin him.
I would display it on my ‘fridge. Not being good in art, just means he’ll be good in something else..
So did the school officials show you any examples of good kindergarten art? What the hell do they expect, “Starry Night”?
OMG! Apparently I don’t draw noses either. I just checked my stick figure family on my blog! All I can say is “a boy after my own heart”.
Time for a little Harry Chapin, I think.
What a cool drawing! My son also has a healthy disregard for all that is “expected” … But I don’t think modern art would be modern art with noses or ears (unless cut off and displayed in brine, of course) so hurray for our sons! They appear to be on the path to riches!
I am ashamed to admit that I do not know what the Mets do (Is it football? Well, I guess I will get hate mail now…) My first thought was that he was celebrating a future job at McDonalds. Relieved to see that a McJob is not major career aspiration 🙂
At almost 35, I still don’t do noses and ears. There’s nothing strange about that at all!
Funny – I immediately knew that the drawing was a winning Mets guy. I wonder what that says about me?
It’s awesome. What is up with elementary school these day? My son got a D in art in 4th grade. I can’t remember his teacher’s explanation for why she would crush a kid like that.
Right now we get a lot of art that Landon supposedly did at school. I have a feeling that once his teachers stop doing it for him that his skills are going to go to shit.
Three cheers for artistic license!
The real question is whether or not this blog will exist when he’s old enough to read it…maybe you should put a URL block on your family PC.
This seriously just made my day. I think I like this little place called Motherhood in NYC, particularly because I live here too! I’m eying the next post “Whine and Roses” and wondering if it has anything to do with the winebar on Columbus. Here’s hoping!
Sounds like you have a little Picasso (who was also averse to noses…and ears…and generally placing any body parts where they are typically expected to be) or a young Jackson Pollock (circle, smirckle!) on your hands! Let him go with it…the world is too Wal-Mart cookie cutter these days!
A winning Mets guy … that’s some imagination! Sigh.
That is too freaking cute. (And noses are stupid.)
Noses are tough, and ears run the risk of turning every rendition into Alfred E Newman. So I’d say your son is ahead of the game. Conserving his drawing resources for those details he is so good at, like cheek tags (“Won”).
he has standards. that’s good.
but where’d he get them from?
Noses make people look stupid! LOVE it!!!:-)
Dude. Your kid has more artistic ability than I do. And my ability to draw was never, ever questioned, like it probably should have been.
It’s a great drawing. Noseless is great for kids too..nothing to pick.
I like your parenting style. You should write a book. Chill Out: they will figure it out.
Just find someone that is more creative in finding a title. I have nothing.
I also think noses make people look stupid. And I know at least one other pop star with the initials MJ who would agree…
Ok i’m still laughing. Hilarious Post. And your son is brilliant!!
American grandma – everything you do is beautiful
Russian grandma – he/she is my grandchild. They should be perfect so I will tell you when they are not.
I think the fact that he drew a winning Met is more news worthy. The kid’s got imagination.
:0) Ha.
i like the artistic choices. very good. there’s a boy who knows where it’s at.
what I’m more concerned with is those wavy fingery things off to the right of the page. for some reason, those scare me. are they tentacles coming to eat the winning mets guy? or what?