Don’t get all insanely jealous on me, but I spent Easter weekend with my in laws. Now I’m one of those people who actually loves her inlaws and my secret is this: I do not talk to my inlaws about politics or social issues. This isn’t difficult for me because I also avoid those conversations with my own parents. It’s safer that way.
So, anyway, the inlaws and I have a blissful relationship, but the one thing that drives me absolutely out of my fucking mind is when people reminisce about the “good ole days”. Yes, they were fabulous. I really feel like I was robbed of the opportunity to die in childbirth. And this whole living past the age of 30 is really overrated.
So I mentioned to my mother in law that mama is going on vacation to San Francisco soon and mother in law told me, in a confidential manner that the gays have taken over the city. And I’m like, hello? They took it over like decades ago, duh. I mean, if you’re going to warn me about the gay invasion, try to be timely and shit.
But all these are minor things and we really did have a great time.
oh, by the way, if you’re visiting your inlaws and you get invited to a local child’s birthday party, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, say, while watching the birthday kid stuff a huge piece of cake into his mouth, totally intact, “wow, he’s going to make some man really happy one day!” Because it really does not play well.