
by Marinka on March 22, 2010

I feel better.
Yesterday after I posted and cried, my daughter and I went to the zoo, to visit some relatives. There were people there with their toddlers and I looked at them longingly, thinking back to the idyllic days when my own daughter was so portable.

And then as I approached them, smiling like a moron, I heard the parents hiss, “Well, we’re at the zoo now. And there’s no TVs at the zoo. THERE ARE ANIMALS!”

Yes, every age has its rewards.
In the afternoon Young Ladrinka and I went to Dave & Busters in Times Square, which is like a mini-Las Vegas for kids. And he won a kazillion tickets and cashed them in for a huge inflatable ball. It made him insanely happy.

So happy, in fact, that when we were walking home, he told me, “I love big balls, mom. I don’t mean the body part, but the bouncing kind.”

I totally appreciated the clarification.

One year ago ...

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Scary Mommy
March 22, 2010 at 9:42 am

Awwwww, M. I just read yesterday’s post and teared up. Much as I get frustrated some days, I know this time is so precious and fleeting. Glad you are feeling better! And, that clarification was hilarious. Not that there is anything wrong with loving the bodily type of balls.


Maggie March 22, 2010 at 9:54 am

I also teared up with yesterday’s post. My only child will be 14 in a couple weeks. I am at that same point where I am looking back and missing the days he would beg to spend time with me. They grow up so fast. All I can do is grab hold of the time he does spend with me, and do my best not to cry the whole time! But, as for your son and his clarification, I do LOVE being able to joke and kid around with my son. I have the sense of humor of a 13 yr old boy, it comes in handy. 🙂 Can’t say balls around me without getting a snicker, or two.


Antropologa March 22, 2010 at 10:28 am

I once asked my mom if she was sad when I passed through the stages of growing up, and she said that by the time your child is ready for the next one, you are totally over the last one, so no, she wasn’t sad. 🙂


Tiffany March 22, 2010 at 11:30 am

I just read your last post and teared up too–my daughter is 3 and talks nonstop, my son is almost 9 months. so many times i just want them to freaking stop already. then i read your post this morning and think how wonderful it is that my children want all of my attention, that they want to talk to me and play with me. because, in some years, they might not, and i’ll be left wishing i hadn’t wanted them to just ‘stop already.’

and i read that hate letter–the fact that someone thinks it’s okay to speak to another human being that way is horrifying.


March 22, 2010 at 11:35 am

I read your last post (I know I didn’t comment – I suck). I still wonder why being a mom blogger has to be hard and controversial. That seems so weird.

I love this post. Clarification is always a good thing!


anna see March 22, 2010 at 12:29 pm

Tell ladrinka we ALL appreciate the clarification.


soccermom March 22, 2010 at 1:27 pm

I deal with this saddness of my children growing up and leaving me every day. Time is a real factor in my families life, since I have a health condition that I could die from at any time. I know my over dramatic behavior drives my kids nuts sometimes, but ultimately they understand and tolerate me.

PS I thought originally he was going to say the AC DC song “Big Balls”. I was gonna say that is strange that at his age he would know that song.


Heather, Queen of Shake Shake March 22, 2010 at 2:05 pm

Wow, Ladrinka and I have a lot in common. I like big balls too! But I mean the body part, so maybe we don’t have that much in common after all.


rachel March 22, 2010 at 2:47 pm

I am the mom at the zoo hissing “We have birds like that in our yard. Look at the tigers. LOOK AT THEM!” So yes. Pros and cons.

I loved yesterday’s post, too. Always a much needed reminder. Thanks, Marinka.

Also I love balls. Of all sizes and degrees of bouncing.


March 22, 2010 at 3:05 pm

They have an awesome playground at the Detroit Zoo. My son didn’t want to see the animals, just wanted to play on the playground. We haven’t been back in 3 years. I’m not paying that kind of $ when we can go to the park for free.


March 22, 2010 at 8:38 pm

Glad you had a great day with your children. They will be grown and gone before you know it. You will love it and hate it at the same time.


Mary @ Holy Mackerel
March 29, 2010 at 9:22 pm

Your kid obviously knows you all too well.


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