The other day, I blogged my heart out and confided about my worries about Nicki and her refrigeratorphilia. Why does she keep staring at our freezer? What does it mean? Is there a mouse? Is Nicki insane? Is the mouse insane? How long are cats supposed to live, anyway?
And for the most part, people were suportive, commenting that I was a wonderful person. Some troublemakers suggested that it was a mouse and one schadenfreudeist said “I can’t wait til Nikki (sic) delivers a mouse to you as a present. Oh, that will be the best post ever.”
Nice, right?
But it got me thinking.
What do you, as a reader, want?
Do you want happy posts, or do you want to be entertained?
Let’s take a quiz and find out! For each question, answer “A” or “B”.
1. On Monday morning, when I read Marinka’s blog, I hope to find out:
A. That her weekend was relaxing and peaceful.
B. That surely this was the weekend that she’ll tell us that Husbandrinka sent her packing! How much more can a mere mortal take?
2. When Marinka first got Nicki, what were your hopes and dreams?
A. A seamless integration into the family, and years of enjoyment.
B. That Nicki was really a cougar, and would tear the entire family apart. Preferably after she developed opposable thumbs and set up a camera to record the whole thing for multiple You Tube views.
3. When Marinka started reading Ulysses, you thought:
A. What a wonderful way to expand one’s horizons! I want to be more like Marinka.
B. I give it a day, tops.
4. I look forward to Marinka’s memoir being published.
A. Absolutely! Sign me up for multiple copies!
B. Absolutely! And it will be delivered to me by a unicorn!
5. These questions written in the third person, make me think that:
A. Marinka is paying homage to blogging idol Bossy. How fun!
B. Marinka is starting to crack. How fun!
6. Mama and Papa are
A. Beloved blog characters.
B. So Central Casting that they’re obviously made up. Can’t wait for Crap on Poops, or whatever that illiterate hate website is to expose her!
Ok! Quiz over! Pencils down! Tally up the As and the Bs.
If you chose mostly “A”s, you are a wonderful person and a asset to the human race. I hope that you are cloned and there will be more of you around soon. Unless cloning is painful, of course, because I only wish you the very best.
If you chose mostly “B”s, you are not a wonderful person, but because I suspect that you are ever so slightly unstable, I will say nothing further. But believe you me, I will be thinking it. Hard.
If you chose the exact same number of As and you did Bs, you’re obviously trying to sabotage my post. Therefore, you are in the not wonderful person category.
One year ago ...
- Do You Like It? - 2017