I’ve been mulling over a few post ideas for the coming weeks, and I thought that t I would tell you the topics that I am considering and you’d tell me what is most interesting, or maybe least uninteresting. Ready?
1. Whenever someone says, “you may be pleasantly surprised,” you won’t be.
2. I moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress. I was pleasantly surprised. Except I almost killed someone.
3. I need to lose weight. Want to know the conversation with mama that made me decide? With some side comments from Husbandrinka.
4. Nicki’s bedtime ritual. Ferber, anyone?
5. Peri-menopause. Husbandrinka wants to know “how long this bullshit is going to last”.  For some strange reson, he is not soothed by an estimate expressed in terms of years.
6. In the news: Carly Simon sings to her surgeon boyfriend’s patients before surgery to soothe them. (Hey, how come Michael Jackson didn’t consider that form of relaxation?)
7. Mama and papa’s crazy former assistant. Who said fun things like, “I know there’s a famine, but the Ethiopians are looking fantastic!”
8. Update on Looka, my parents’ newest Doberman baby. And my nemesis.
So, please let me know what you think. And if you have a chance check this out. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that this isn’t something that I usually do, so please go and leave me a comment so that the other Mouthys don’t make fun of me and make me wear the curlers. Thanks.
{ 24 comments… read them below or add one }
Anything about your parents will be super- terrific!!
.-= Roshni´s last blog ..What’s your beef?! =-.
anything that involves a conversation with your mama is good. and i’m liking the assistant, i think she might be scarily insightful. or maybe insightful isn’t the word i’m looking for.
.-= monica´s last blog ..feeling responsible =-.
I want to hear it all. That way we might be pleasantly surprised.
.-= Beth´s last blog ..She sells herself short =-.
Most interested in 7, with 3 a close second (mostly out of curiosity about whether your husband’s helpful comments are anything like mine. Z especially favours comparing me to a washing machine in weight terms.)
.-= Nina´s last blog ..a very conscientous bat =-.
Would like to hear about almost killing someone and the peri-menopause. Oh and the parental assistant. Thank you.
Twitter: mommygeekology
November 6, 2009 at 6:50 am
These ALL sound hilarious. I’m laughing just at the synopsis.
.-= MommyGeek´s last blog ..GTT: Job Venting (a guest post) =-.
Twitter: vboykis
November 6, 2009 at 6:57 am
I’m really pulling for the conversation with Mama.
Looka followed by ‘whatever could your husband say about your weight????’
.-= pam´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
I’d be most interested in numbers 2,7, and 8!
.-= christy´s last blog ..Our little daredevil =-.
Twitter: BigPieceofCake
November 6, 2009 at 9:23 am
I vote for #7. I can only imagine…
Twitter: amy2boys
November 6, 2009 at 9:49 am
2, 3, and 7 are my faves, but honestly, it was hard to choose. Your husband would have loved my change of life. I skipped peri-menopause completely and went through 100% Old Woman Full On Menopause in the space of about 6 months without even knowing it, until we tried to get pregnant again and the doctor said -you are post-menopausal, you have the ovaries of a 54 yr old woman- and we were like WHAT THE FUCK?
I’m still bitter. I don’t know about peri-menopause, but premature menopause sucks.
.-= amy2boys´s last blog ..The Honey Bear Sings =-.
I’m partial to number 7…….
Twitter: kobiANDlaelsmom
November 6, 2009 at 10:43 am
I need a new list. I don’t like any of those choices. Thankyouverymuch.
.-= Keyona´s last blog ..Let Me Introduce You To…. =-.
Twitter: Peajaye
November 6, 2009 at 10:43 am
i vote for #9: how to turn your notes into a blog post when you’re too busy to write.
Twitter: jukeboxbarb
November 6, 2009 at 10:48 am
Everyone relates to “I need to lose weight,” real or imagined. Also, your interpretation of mama’s thoughts are always enjoyable.
I’d like to hear about #2 please. Wait, I mean #2 from the list above.. not any other “#2” you might have been considering.
You should write about them all. Frankly, you could write about anything and I’ll read it.
Altho, living on the Vineyard, I happen to know C. Simon’s surgeon boyfriend’s ex-wife. So, altho I am a Carly fan, I’d rather not hear about that one (but you know I’ll read it anyway) because the ex wife rocks. But I hear he’s an amazing surgeon (trying to be fair here).
Mama and Papa always win. And your new sib.
.-= Maureen@IslandRoar´s last blog .."Hello? Here I Am…" =-.
Twitter: mommywantsvodka
November 6, 2009 at 7:18 pm
Carly Simon has a boyfriend?
Also, I want an assistant.
.-= Aunt Becky´s last blog ..Let Me Tell You ‘Bout The Birds And The Bees And Why Mommy Is Snickering Into Her Hand =-.
Twitter: Sweet_Life
November 6, 2009 at 8:10 pm
Yes, please.
And let me tell you – I am SO GLAD you left that Blogger shit behind. I HATE having to log into google in order to leave a comment. Now I’ll comment daily, and possibly even kiss you next time I see you. Seeing as you hate hugs and all.
.-= Andrea’s Sweet Life´s last blog ..Sixteen Years =-.
I want to read about them all!
I’m greedy that way.
I was going through the list thinking I would like to read about any of them until I got to the assistant and I am thinking that is the winner for me!
Number 3, please! Gaining weight is always more fun… I did manage to lose 45 pounds, though. I bet my conversations weren’t as blog worthy…
I just moved my blog to wordpress also. I love wordpress, but we are still getting to know each other. Reading your post was awesome because these three:
1. Whenever someone says, “you may be pleasantly surprised,†you won’t be.
2. I moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress. I was pleasantly surprised. Except I almost killed someone.
3. I need to lose weight. Want to know the conversation with mama that made me decide? With some side comments from Husbandrinka.
could have been pulled right out of my head. Except for the side comments thingy.
.-= Whitney´s last blog ..Seriously creepy…and googley eyes =-.
I can’t wait for 3, 4 and 7!
.-= Noelle´s last blog ..Before and After =-.