Welcome to Motherhood in NYC

by Marinka on April 5, 2006

I’m Marinka and I’m a mom to an eight year old son and an eleven year old daughter. We also have a cat, Nicki. Oh yeah, and I’m married. I immigrated from Russia when I was nine years old. I’ve been exhausted ever since.

Things that I am bad at: Small talk, especially discussing the weather, riding the elevator.

Things that I am good at: Watching Real Housewives of New York, eating ice cream, opening bottles of wine.

Motherhood in NYC is a collection of my reflections about my family, life in NYC and society in general.

I am now writing a book about living in Russia as a young child. Does anyone know how long a nonfiction book is supposed to be? Because I’m certain that once I overcome that stumbling block, the book will really come together.
I procrastinate a lot. If you would like to help in my procrastination efforts, please email me at MarinkaNYC [at] Gmail [dot] com.

I also blog at Secret Spineless Whine and NYC Moms and The Mouthy Housewives.

Thank you for reading my blog. I really appreciate it and there may be a pop quiz later!

One year ago ...

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

April 3, 2011 at 12:06 am

Day one of me reading archives. Just started following, so I have a lot of catching up. Let’s hope I don’t procrastinate as much…I always read middle of the book first, to see if I will like it and judging by March 2011 yours looks promising!


Alexandra February 20, 2012 at 12:25 am

Your first post ever.

I think I may have a bit of mascara running into my eyes.



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