The Terror Continues

by Marinka on June 21, 2008

You know that thing staring at you above? That’s a dead fish that was wrapped up in a paper towel, then placed in a ziplock bag and stored in our freezer until it could receive a proper burial. I’m no longer sure of its name–perhaps it was Flippy v. 5, maybe it was Cutie, or Pre-Deadie.

I think it’s been in the freezer for about 4 years. I think that’s a sufficient mourning period. I tossed it. But I’m still traumatized.

One year ago ...

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{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Wendy June 22, 2008 at 7:00 am

I have a friend who has dead birds and squirrels in her freezer. The birds fit in toilet paper tubes, in case you’re wondering.

She collects them on walks and saves them for a friend, who’s a naturalist (I think more UNnaturalist), but keeps forgetting to pass them on.

Her husband drinks a LOT of Budweiser. Imagine the horrors he’s seen buried among the fish sticks.


Marinka June 22, 2008 at 8:41 am

If I were her husband I would upgrade to scotch.


sdl June 22, 2008 at 12:35 pm

I know I am going to hate myself for asking, but what does she use for the squirrels?


Jonathan June 22, 2008 at 1:04 pm

i used to work for someone who put her ferret in her freezer because she was too traumatized to bury it and it was there for a while and she kind of became the company joke.
That’s one good friend to tote home dead animals and store them!


Marinka June 22, 2008 at 5:26 pm

You’re right, Jonathan. I’m starting to realize that I don’t ask nearly enough of my friends. But that will change shortly, believe you me!


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