It’s My Birth Month. And a Sponsored Video

by Marinka on March 1, 2012

Today is March 1st, which kicks off my birth month. I wish I could celebrate all month long.

Because unlike many women of a certain age, I love my birthday. I love the fact that I am surrounded by people that I love, I love the people that my children are, I love that I have a good relationship with my parents and I love my husband and marriage. And not just because he provides me with a constant stream of blog fodder. (I also love presents, cake and champagne, but I’m trying to take the high road. Or at least the non-consumerist, gluttonous drunkard one.)

So I fully support the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life campaign— a celebration of advances against cancer, honoring those who have been affected by cancer and Fight Back ceremony to make a commitment to fight back against cancer. There’s even an accompanying Bark for Life event which honors the caregiving qualities of canine companions. (Nicki is very upset that there’s not a meow for life event.)

Check out the video and consider visiting the Relay for Life site to learn more about the campaign and to find a relay near you.

Every one deserves more birthdays.

With cake.

One year ago ...

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Mo March 1, 2012 at 9:48 am

You’ve reminded me of the ones I love and how blessed I am, so thanks for that.

Now I’m intending to disect the concept of a non-consumerist, gluttonous drunkard road. This might take me a while.


Suzanne March 1, 2012 at 3:34 pm

Yeah! It’s my birthday month too! I always feel so blessed that I was born now, it’s Spring, it always feels like a new beginning to me. March 1st rolls around and no matter what I’ve been going through, it somehow gives me a little lift!

Also, I was born on my mom’s birthday, so we have OUR special day!

So, Happy Birthday Month, Marinka!


March 1, 2012 at 4:35 pm

It’s my birthday month too! Yay, for birthdays. And of course, Relay for Life is an awesome cause to support.


March 1, 2012 at 9:43 pm

Any post that uses the word “drunkard” automatically becomes my favorite post.


Karen March 2, 2012 at 7:40 am

It’s my birthday month too! I love every one I “make it to” and I’ve decided to do like you and celebrate the whole month!!! Since it #59 I think I’ll make a list of 59 things to do this year. I’ve already decided I’m throwing myself a birthday party for my 60th, doing it just the way I want it! (haha)

An early Happy Birthday to you and I look forward to all your posts and what you share this month with us!!!


Carinn @ welcometothemotherhood
March 2, 2012 at 9:38 am

It’s my birthday month too! And mine is towards the end of the month so all of March just feels like preparation for the festivities.

Here’s to celebrating another and to celebrating life!


annie March 2, 2012 at 9:39 am

Yay for more birthdays! I’m a big fan of that. Happy Birthmonth my friend – does this mean i should go shopping soon?


Hope March 2, 2012 at 9:51 am

Please remind folks that Relay for Life will donate to children’s cancer only if it is specifically requested. Make sure a portion of what you raise goes to pediatric oncology – the kids deserve a chance to have more birthdays. Thank you from the grandmother of a 2 y.o. warrior


Erin@MommyontheSpot March 2, 2012 at 4:01 pm

I love birthdays, especially mine! Glad someone over the age of 10 feels the same way!


March 2, 2012 at 5:39 pm

I’m a big fan of my birthday as well. I’m pretty sure its the best holiday after Christmas.


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