This morning I was supposed to be enjoying a tooth extraction, but last night my daughter spiked a fever, so I had to cancel the appointment. Needless to say, I was disappointed because I was so looking forward to it. I’ve had teeth extracted before (one in each pregnancy) and it’s a wonderful experience. Everything from the signing of the consent form that says that if they break your jaw, you couldn’t be happier to the pain to the paying of the bill.
But I’m a mommy first, and there are times when I have to put my own interests aside and tend to my children.
So last night, as I bent down to adjust my daughter’s blanket and she lifted up her knee and it met with my mouth, I saw stars. And for a brief moment, I was sure that my daughter’s knee had extracted all of my teeth. But it didn’t, so don’t start making dental appointments with her knee just yet.
(By the way, when I told Husbandrinka that after I get my tooth pulled, I’ll need to get an $$implant$$, he said “why? It’s in the back, no one will see it.” I think I’m going to really like growing old with him.
In other news, I was interviewed by the lovely Denise of Eat Play Love as part of Neil’s Citizen of the Month Great Interview Experiment. If you feel like you could use more of my wisdom (and really, who couldn’t?) please check it out! And while you’re there, look around Denise’s blog, it’s really fun!
And The Mouthy Housewives are mysterious today. We answer a young maiden’s concerns that her new beau is masturbating to porn, but which one of us provided the answer? Heather? Jessica? Kelcey? Marinka? Wendi? Hmm…
One year ago ...
- Spam - 2010
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Twitter: DiapersnDragons
November 13, 2009 at 9:44 am
I could totally guess, but that would be telling.
However, if your pain subsides enough to actually concentrate, I have an award for you over on my blog.
.-= TeacherMommy´s last blog ..They’re Awesome. I’m Brain Dead. =-.
Knees, elbows, and especially inadvertent headbutts, how is my face always in the way?
With apologies to Husbandrinka, but he wouldn’t make a very good Tooth Fairy.
.-= Jennifer H´s last blog ..Buttons =-.
It seems my son has an incredible knack of head butting me in the mouth whenever we are close enough. I can’t begin to count the fat lips I have had in the past several months!
.-= Whitney Trujillo´s last blog ..Ever heard of a Peekaru? =-.
I had a dental implant. Quite the process. Mine is in front though. I don’t think would wear that annoying temporary thing if I was lucky enough to have mine in the back, if that makes you feel better.
And you can tell him it’s to keep the rest of your teeth from caving in around the hole. I thought he was smart?
My kids both head butted me in the eye right after I had Lasik. Nice.
I like the way husbandrinka thinks.
.-= anna see´s last blog ..Food Fight =-.
I think your dentist is reading this blog and he isn’t buying a word of it. And he might be thinking of putting a contract out on your husband.
How is it that when flailing children limbs are involved a parent (or sibling) always gets hurt some how? I actually do understand your pain…one of mine was abscessed and I got kneed and elbowed by different children at the same time…my husband was trying to take the pliers to me in my sleep, I just know it!
.-= CSY´s last blog ..Apology To My Husband…. =-.
Thanks for spreading the love, I guess I didn’t make a total ass of myself with my interview questions. Ha!
.-= Denise´s last blog ..Great Interview Experiment, Meet Motherhood in NYC! =-.
Twitter: Issascrazyworld
November 13, 2009 at 4:47 pm
I feel your pain. Literally. I had one extracted last month. I need to make an appointment for the implant. I keep thinking I will, as soon as my jaw stops hurting from the extraction.
Marinka, when my back tooth was extracted, instead of a post I got a thing called, I think, a Maryland Bridge where they sort of cement the fake tooth between the two remaining ones. Wouldn’t work if it is your back tooth, I guess, anyway, it has worked great for many years, with a slight adjustment in flossing technique, and I would recommend it. Except when the dentist first said it, I thought it was a Marilyn Bridge, which sounded so sexy and interesting. Maryland, not so much…
Kids wreck everything, don’t they?
.-= Maureen@IslandRoar´s last blog ..Spin Cycle: Turning 3 =-.
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
November 13, 2009 at 11:53 pm
Please let me know when you go to the dentist so we can officially crown you the gummy housewife.
Tooth extraction. Just the word makes me cringe. There has to be a better way.
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Broken =-.
Twitter: AnnaLefler
November 14, 2009 at 8:13 pm
“Why? No one will see it.”
The perfect response to a man who’s considering a penis enlargement procedure.
That’s right, folks, I’m here all week. Try the prime rib!
.-= Anna Lefler´s last blog ..You’ve Got Mail! =-.
too bad the knee can’t do root canals. I could use the ‘discount’
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..My Bad =-.
Twitter: nannygoats
November 15, 2009 at 8:18 pm
Now I’m jealous… I want a tooth extraction!!!
.-= Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog ..Goat Thing of the Day: It’s a Sign =-.
Husbandrinka may be a fine wine and mellow with age. Or not.
Great, I come here to read and you send me somewhere else?? Jesus….
.-= Braja´s last blog ..Like Mother Teresa Only Better… =-.
my husband was all f0r me going to my “implant consultation” and was super supportive. i couldn’t understand why he was so excited…. took me a little while to realize he thought i was talking about the OTHER kind of implant. (singular? really, hubs?) when he figured out i was talking DENTAL implant, his reaction was the same as Husbandrinka’s. what is it with men? good luck with yours. i’m praying for good painkillers.