Scary Mommy, OHMommy, A Southern Fairy Tale and I are doing our first ever joint giveaway and it’s a doozy! Check out the EZ to Read and Understand Rulez here! Go and read so that you don’t fuck it up.
In honor of the giveway, I am recycling, and updating with new annotations(!), my haggling post from last year. Because that’s the green thing to do.
This is how New York Magazine suggests you go about haggling, and I’m throwing in my annotations, absolutely free of charge!
1. Don’t be ashamed. You can haggle anywhere, anytime—even at the doctor’s office.
Why not haggle when you get on a bus? If the driver insists that you pay the full fare, try to extract something from him in a “swap”, like a cigarette or a loose button.
2. Stay cool.
Haggling is about bluffing; if you show weakness or nerves, the salesperson will know you’re going to fold.
Haggling is about bluffing; if you show weakness or nerves, the salesperson will know you’re going to fold.
Throw an ice cube down your pants before entering the store. An ice cube that you haggled out of an unsuspecting vendor.
3. Be prepared to leave empty-handed.
If you must have an item, you’ll accept a higher price. Often, walking away will get the absolute lowest offer.
If you must have an item, you’ll accept a higher price. Often, walking away will get the absolute lowest offer.
Leaving empty-handed is the ultimate money saver, I’ve found.
4. Use charm.
Haggling is a personal interaction. If you make the sales clerk complicit in the game, he’ll be more willing to play.
Haggling is a personal interaction. If you make the sales clerk complicit in the game, he’ll be more willing to play.
I don’t like how this discriminates against the charm-free.
5. Pay cash.
The seller will usually knock off the sales tax, or more. But carry small bills.
I am keeping my original annotation for this, which is that I think this is called “tax evasion”. Stay tuned for New York Magazine‘s next feature– “Plea Bargaining Tips”.
6. Do market research.
Almost everyone price-matches these days.
Also, feel free to lie about what your market research reveals. It’s not like you’re given sworn testimony.
7. Read the sales tags.
Brazen hagglers will rifle through a rack in search of the one item that’s mispriced low, then demand the store honor the tag.
Regardless of whether they actually want the item or not.
8. Ask when it goes on sale.
The clerk might offer to put it aside for you. Or, if you ask to be called come sale time, it could be marked down then and there, just for you.
When you find out that it goes on sale in a week, offer to chain yourself to the rack until then. And I hope that I don’t have to spell out what I mean by “rack”.
Don’t forget about the giveaway! Leave a comment and then visit A Southern Fairy Tale, Scary Mommy and OHMommy!
One year ago ...
- Testing - 2013
{ 100 comments… read them below or add one }
Oooh, I’d like to enter the contest!
very excited about this contest & about discovering your blog. I will be back :O)
Yes, I agree…what about the charm-less. Great giveaway!
Thanks for the tips!
Terrific tips!
Oh hai! I am entering.
I suck at haggling because I can never stay cool (#2). I get nervous and smile and a lot and probably even end up paying more than the asking price because I’m so antsy.
Can I haggle my way into this giveaway? I’ll give you 4 comments and a link back for the win
Cats walk on water?
Thanks for the tips. My children are always complaining that I don’t know the difference between haggling and blackmail.
Awesome, practical and amusing tips! Thank you, Marinka!
BTW, what did you mean by ‘rack’? What am I not getting?
I could definitely use a new wardrobe and I love to haggle!
Ha! I started reading your blog right around the time you posted this last year…. ah, the memories!
I still think that was a ridiculous article. Seriously, haggling at Saks?
And I have the added bonus of knowing exactly what facial expressions you probably made while answering those questions! Which makes it even funnier.
That’s great! I love #5…before I even read your comment I was thinking the samet thing to myself…I can’t believe they printed that:) (and please enter me)
Please please give a small town girl a chance to live big!!! Let me dress like a grown up!!!!
I never haggle, but my Hubster is a haggling-whore when it comes to buying electronics. He gets some great deals!
I am far too chicken to haggle and not above asking my husband to haggle for me, so I will be sure to pass along these tips to him!
entering contest….NOW
Oh Marinka, you give the best advice! I am so inspired by your ever present sense of savoir faire. If only I could be more like you!
Have a great day! Your deserve the best!
Found you through OHMommy. Very cool contest!
Great haggling tips, your added antedotes are hilarious!
I’m in I’m in I’m in!!!!! Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and I just chained myself to my rack. Great. I wish I had read on.
LOL…too funny…I have been tryin to ‘haggle’ not sawyer for years no one wants him
I cannot wait to win this contest! I never win anything and well this one… it has my name all over it
I can’t wait to see who the winner of this contest is!!! I’m so excited!!
not to be a stickler for details, but i just clicked over to your “rulez” pozt (is z the new s?) for your contest, and the post is dated thurs., jan. 31, 2008. does that mean the prize a time machine?
I am too chicken to haggle!! Great giveaway, can’t wait to get to know you all better!
So…the whole haggle with the doctor thing is blowing my mind.
Do you haggle before you see the doctor or after… because before see a bad idea. Might get what you pay for if you know what I mean.
I can’t bring myself to haggle. It seems like so much effort. I’d have to hire someone to do it for me, but that would be counter productive, I think.
Tell you what, you come over here, try haggling with one of our bus drivers.
Let me know how it goes.
i’m so happy you guys are hosting a joint giveaway i could use a shopping spree.
so let’s get it started… many joints are you giving away? oh wait, maybe that’s not what you meant.
I want to WIN!!!!!!!
I love your blog! I hope I win!!
I want to win! I want to win!
My husband is the best haggler I know. He was well known in Mexico for his haggling, and all the vendors would hide. :o)
The most incredible amount of haggling I’ve ever seen done was at the open air markets in Beijing. My traveling companions would heatedly argue knock of Calvin Klein men’s breifs down from the equivalent of $2 to $1.50. No one could understand why I was so willing to give up at $2. I mean – in about 10 minutes of haggling, I could save myself FIFTY WHOLE CENTS. I have no excuse for my attitude other than laziness, disinterest and oh yeah a GRIP ON REALITY!
i wanna be the winner, i wanna be the winner! ooohhh ooohhh!!!!!! pick me. pick me.
I haggle once in a while.
I’m horrible at haggling, so I’m always prepared for number three. The good news is that I save a lot of money that way.
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter!
I think you guys are great! Here is my hoping I win!!!
Ohhh…pick me, pick me!!
what a great giveaway you are participating in. THank you.
Awesome contest!! I hope to win…I could really use an updated look!
count me in for the giveaway…
OMG, my husband is the KING of haggling. He tries to haggle EVERYthing. Just this weekend he got 10% off at Lowes because he found the one item that had some blue staining on it. Although I appreciate the deals he gets, sometimes I want to run away and act like I don’t know him!!!!
These are all good, but I suppose I will have to leave my house and actually shop to see if they work, huh?
#3 is one of my faves…because don’t you know that 30% off still equals 70% on?
Too funny =)
Although as a former cashier, I can tell you — it’s not appreciated. Especially you charm-less people, taking all the fun out of it.
If I ever tried to haggle I would end up crying and probably be banned from the place! But somehow my kids haggle me and usually win…
Love gift…gift cards. Yes…
Thank you for the annotation on #4. As a charm-challenged person, I find I am often discriminated against (and rarely get any sympathy because, let’s face it, who gives a shit about the charm-impaired?).
#8 hee hee.
Love the giveaway idea, truly fabulous!
Oh my God…I love your blog because you say fuck. Am I allowed to leave that word in the comments? I’ve been deathly afraid of dropped an F-bomb on my blog for fear of offending someone although if you met me in real life, you’d wonder why my children don’t pepper every sentence they utter with it. I thought there was some written rule about mom-blogs and the f-word, so I haven’t actually typed it out for fear the mom-blog-police would come and take away my keyboard.
That being said, I’m a horrible haggler but my grandmother is the queen of the haggle..I once watched her beat a sales clerk into giving her a discount on a lawnmower because the one she really wanted was sold out and the one she was getting was a floor model. I’m planning on taking her 86 year-old ass with me when I go to buy a new car.
I’ve never been able to haggle properly. the one and only time I managed it, I talked them down to the price they had originally told my husband was their lowest.
I can’t haggle at all – in fact I think I end up paying higher prices.
I will never feel guilty about recycling an old blogging post or column again. I never saw the “green” connection until you pointed it out. Thank you!
I really have to try that leaving empty handed thing.
The contest sounds great! And I have never been able to open my mouth and haggle. It’s something I need to learn.
So excited about the contest! And about trying out these new haggling techniques haha
My grandmother was the queen of hagglers, back in the day… I like to think I inherited some of her spirit
I need a new wardrobe before Stacy and Clinton come and take me away!…Well, that wouldn’t be bad either!
Thanks for the chance!
Sign me up!
I love to haggle! We haven’t paid asking price for a car or house in 10 years…LOL
Please enter me in the giveaway too please!!PLEASE!
I make my husband to the haggling for me, although I imagine him haggling over the price of a pair of panties might not go over so well.
Thanks for the contest! I hope I win. Love the picture on your blog of the snow and carriage. I love ohmommy and now I have some new blogs to check out.
I am excited to get out of these maternity clothes and into some new lovely clothes courtesy of YOU!
Love the shopping idea and love adding a new read to my morning coffee routine
Your side note on #3 is the best! What a money saving idea – LOL.
Um sorry I don’t haggle. I’m horrible at it and I feel like a total ass when I do it. On the other hand I am always up for a contest!
Good luck everyone!
This is my Monday comment. I don’t ever read Marinka’s blog, I am only here because I want to win.
Ugh. Can’t haggle. That’s why spouse buys the cars.
Oh, and I need those gift cards, btw…because my fat ass isn’t so fat anymore and I need new clothes!
I need, I mean want to win your giveaway. Delurking to win
Count me in.
I’ll recycle my comment to this post too…
My husband will never let me forget the time I paid full price $5 US dollars for a stupid Christmas ornament at a Mexican flea market.
So excited about your contest…. do lame comments hurt my chances of winning? I always want to say something cleaver, but it ends up lame…
I want to win!
I am DETERMINED to win this awesome prize!
What an awesome contest!
I like this post!
I’d like to enter, please!
Ooooh I love contest…sssh don’t tell anybody else..Pick Me!!
I can see it now “$10,000 for open heart surgery? You must be crazy! $250 and a gift card to Starbucks, that’s my final offer.”
count me in!
Speaking of racks, can I get some tips on haggling for a new one? My knees can’t see anything these days.
I realize you thoroughly explained the giveaway in great detail with an excellent and informative faq section, however, I have yet another question. Please don’t shoot me if you’ve already answered it and I missed it. I take it that your comments are closed at the end of each day???
Stores will actually call you to alert you when the item is on sale? I had no idea. No way they’d do that in Europe! They already roll their eyes when you return something – because God forbid you change your mind about a pricey item you realize you don’t need, right? So obnoxious.
I dare you to come visit when I move back to Switzerland and haggle with the store clerks in Zurich
See, I don’t know about this haggling thing. My mom is really good at it, so that would make me like her. I don’t like the sound of that. Bue I do like the sound of 10% more off at Loehmans.
Fine, I’m in.
p.s. I’m a Scary Mommy devotee, it makes me a better person and calories don’t stick.
Scott in Tennessee
I’m really keeping my fingers crossed for this awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Haggling is hard. How bought I just shop at Old Navy and we call it even?
what a great contest you ladies are doing please count me in.
I want to win!! PLEASE!!
I haggle like no other. And I found you through Vodka Mom. You are hilarious. Enter me in the contest and I swear I will stop kissing ass. Only of you want tho.
Pick me!!
Thanks for the haggling tips! I like #6.
Please enter me in your very generous giveaway too! : )
Oh great tips, but even better contest! Enter me!
Please pick me! I am in desperate need of wardrobe help.
Love your blog!
Alright, I’m playing.
I am not a good haggler, however, for #1 I did beg and get on a bus for free in Mexico when I spent all my money at a market and realized I had no bus fair back to the resort.
Hope I win.
Does all that haggling make one an old hag?
OK, I’m not the least bit interested in haggling. Furthermore, I’m not interested in your contest because the only one of those places in my hick town is Starbucks, and guess what? I don’t even like coffee!
This announcement, though, should make me very popular with the rest of your readers!
I don’t even have to enter the contest. My reward has already come to me in the form of these haggling tips with your funny commentary.
Plus the rules of your contest did scare me and I’m generally afraid to play.
(I hope you know I’m kidding and that you consider this a friggin’ entry.)
Funny stuff here – first time and I may be hooked. We’ll see.