From the category archives:

Celebrity Sightings


by Marinka on July 5, 2012

Last Sunday, Young Ladrinka’s Little League team lost a grueling Championship game, throwing them out of the tournament. And unfortunately, Young Ladrinka got the last out of the game.

Now usually he is very stoic about losses and sort of doesn’t understand why some other players cry at the end, but he definitely knew why on Sunday. And as a mom, I knew that the disappointment he was feeling was normal and that it would be weird if he said “ah, a loss! All part of life, let’s keep calm and carry on” but it hurt to see him so upset. It’s almost like this parenting thing isn’t simple.

As were walking home and I reminded him of an earlier game that his team won. “Remember yesterday’s game that you won? How do you think the guy who got the out on the losing team felt?” And he looked at me and said “he felt awful, mom. Just like I feel now.” And then I asked him if there was anything that I could do to make him feel better and he said that if I stopped talking to him it certainly wouldn’t hurt.

When we got home, he took a shower and changed and took to his bed with a sigh and an announcement “I guess I’ll just have to live as a failure now,” and for a moment I thought he’d ask me to order him a cross-stitch pattern with Woe is Me on it so he could have something to work on, but he just stayed in his room for a few hours, and when he came out he felt better.

His dad took him to see the Mets beat the Phillies on Tuesday night and then last night, on Fourth of July, as we were walking over from dinner to Chelsea to see the fireworks, Young Ladrinka spotted someone he recognized.

“Hey, you look like Shane Victorino!” he said and the man turned around and one of the men Shane was with, Jimmy Rollins, said “that is Shane.” And then my friend Susan yelled, “hey, Shane!” And he turned around and she snapped a picture of Shane with Young Ladrinka.

It made his night. Young Ladrinka’s, I mean. He told Shane that he was a Mets fan and Shane took the news well, and then Young Ladrinka
told either Juan Pierre or Jimmy Rollins “wow, you’re the fastest runner in the MLB” but reassured Shane that he meant “no offense.”

He was beaming all night that he got to meet rweal-live MLB players and that they were so cool to him. And he told me that on Tuesday’s game, Shane Victorino got the last out.

“Just like you!” I told him, hoping that he’d beam at the comparison.
“Not even close,” Young Ladrinka told me. “Shane got the last out in a regular game. I got the last out in the Championship game.”

That Shane. He doesn’t know how easy he has it.


OMFG, You Guys!

by Marinka on August 5, 2011

I have the best news.

The best.

You know how despite my highbrow tendencies I like to watch reality TV? A lot and constantly?

And you may have heard that there’s a new reality TV on Lifetime, Russian Dolls– which has been described as a Russian version of Jersey Shore (heads up– anything those Jersey Shore assholes can do, Russians can do better. And blonder.)

Well, I was invited to a premier party for Russian Dolls.


I am so fucking exciting. (Edited: err.. and EXCITED)

I just have to get the right outfit.

And some green eye shadow.

I will, of course, report from the Red Carpet. (There’s a RED CARPET!) OH NO! Will it clash with my green eye shadow?

Stay tuned!


Celebrity Photographer

June 29, 2011

I’m turning into some kind of a paparazzi (paparazzo? pepperoni?). First, last week I ran into Picasso on the subway, and then today I saw Jenna Bush at Starbucks. The way things are going, I’ll be coming to fisticuffs with Sean Penn by the weekend. But back to today. So, I’m at Starbucks at Rockefeller […]

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Suri Cruise: Having to Choose Between Heels and a Pacifier

March 9, 2011

The internet is going through a mini explosion right now, and this time it’s not Charlie Sheen’s fault. See, Suri Cruise, the adorable daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, has been photographed with a pacifier in her mouth. When I first saw it, I was outraged.  I mean, fourteen is way too old to […]

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Some Celebrity Sightings Are Better Than Others

November 24, 2009

This afternoon, I saw Amy Ryan (Holly, The Office) and Patricia Clarkson (please tell me you know who she is, ok, fine The Green Mile, Six Feet Under) on the corner in the West Village, giving each other a quick hug. For a moment I thought, “hey, maybe I should join them? I mean, what’s […]

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Celebrity Sighting, October 19th

October 19, 2009

Since I live in NYC, I see celebrities. On the street. In stores. In my dreams. On this page, I will chronicle them all. At absolutely no charge to you. Because I like to give back to the community. Saturday, October 17, 2009 Larry David walking in the West Village with a young woman. I don’t […]

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