Jonathan–I’d actually bent down to inspect that thing next to it! I’m sure that the passers by thought that I was looking for crack or something, but it’s actually a piece of the top of a plastic cover for soda that’s served in paper cups. No, there is absolutely no way to edit that sentence to make it shorter and more to the point, why do you ask?
That photo reminds me of one of my “bits.” You know, the one where I say piously, “Alcohol will never touch these lips.” Wait a beat. “Yeah, I use a straw.”
{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
Wow, I’ve never seen that before? Maybe the beer drinker just had his wisdom teeth removed?
WFB-hump? I don’t get it!
Amy–lol about the wisdom teeth. A dentist once told me that to avoid staining my teeth, I should sip red wine through a straw. How glamorous!
Classee. TWO e’s there.
In high school we always drank beer through a straw because legend had it that you got drunk quicker.
But hey! We were kids. What did *we* know?
and what is that next to it? did they do a shot with a salad dressing container from a fast food place?
Aunt Becky–the more “eee”s, the meeerier!
Wendy–how Ridgemont High of you!
Jonathan–I’d actually bent down to inspect that thing next to it! I’m sure that the passers by thought that I was looking for crack or something, but it’s actually a piece of the top of a plastic cover for soda that’s served in paper cups. No, there is absolutely no way to edit that sentence to make it shorter and more to the point, why do you ask?
That photo reminds me of one of my “bits.” You know, the one where I say piously, “Alcohol will never touch these lips.” Wait a beat. “Yeah, I use a straw.”
I’m not going to lie, my first thought was modern art dog sculpture. But, no, just alcoholic trash.