Welcome back to I’m Right, You’re Wrong, where you get to weigh in on a pressing dispute between me and a loved one (and sometimes a despised one.)
Today out of the goodness of my heart, I am turning it over to two people who I love and admire. And not just because they gave me life and have it in their power to make me an heiress, if only they’d skip a few meals here and there. Anyway.
Disagreers: Mama and Papa.
Disagreement: Mama and Papa have a friend in his early 60s. Let’s call him Geezer. Geezer is having a relationship with a woman in her early 20s. What do we think of this?
Position One: Love has no age.
Position Two: No normal young girl wants to deal with geriatrical teabags.
What do you think? Position One or Two? (And remember, I won’t reveal which position is Mama or Papa! Suspense!)
One year ago ...
- The Week - 2012
{ 56 comments… read them below or add one }
Hummm… Interesting.
While I agree with Position One, I can completely agree with Position Two, too.
If Geezer has money and the girl doesn’t want to work (you know…a gold digger) then I have to say that Geezer is a horny old man who will get what he deserves. I also think he needs to sit and watch Snapped and Deadly Women for two days straight and re-evaluate his thought process.
In this case I think I have to vote Position Two. If the girl was in her 40’s, I would probably go with Position One but a 20 something has nothing in common with a 60 something.
I’m in my 40s and don’t want to deal with geriatric teabags. Ew.
I’ve have to go with position two. We have some early 60s folks here in the office and I cannot imagine any one of them having anything in common with a 20-something. They’re on totally different planets.
I’m not crazy about geriatrical teabags and I’m 51. A young and vibrant 51, (cough) but still.
Love, however, has a way of making those attributes that most people find disgusting about someone somehow cute and charming. So if whatever Geez is offering Spring Chicken works for them – I say go with it until it doesn’t work anymore.
Um, a 40 year age difference……..maybe she has Daddy issues-or I’d have to guess that she does for sure. That is weird and uber yucky. Just my opinion. But hey whatever floats your boat.
Twitter: gonnakillhim
September 29, 2011 at 10:55 am
I have a big problem with the 20 year old in this scenario.
I’m going with 2.
old geezers dating young woman get what they want – BEAUTY and SEX and the young woman get what they want – MONEY and PRESS.
Its gross and pathetic for the MEN the woman know what they are doing the men usually think that THIS ONE LOVES ME FOR ME! Men are terminal with stupidity. ask Sir Paul, Billy Joel and Howard Multijillionaire that married Anna Nicole!
Twitter: lainiegal
September 29, 2011 at 11:24 am
Position 2 obviously. No NORMAL girl wants to deal with any aspect of an early 60’s man.
Yeah, love knows no bounds. Yadda yadda yadda. I call bull crap. There is only two reasons at 20’s girl would do this. Mental or desperate.
Neither one of those is flattering, even for an old geezer who thinks he hit the trophy girlfriend jackpot. They must look ridiculous together.
Twitter: kidsvomitmice
September 29, 2011 at 11:43 am
Position 2 – either she wants his money or she has serious daddy issues. Not to be judgmental or anything…
Twitter: MommaBeThyName
September 29, 2011 at 11:47 am
Position 2. That’s just gross. I shall assume he is filthy, stinking rich.
If the 20 something likes the feel of 60 year old nads slapping her on the ass, then for sure number 1 but my offical vote goes to #2
Both are right. #1 is the guy view, #2 the girl. Ask Hugh Hefner. (but I wish I had a girl in her 20’s)
I am in my early 60’s and I don’t want to deal with geriatric teabags!
Twitter: waitinthevan
September 29, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Geezer is rich. 20-something is gorgeous. Yes?
I mean, sure! Romance! Love has no boundaries! (But my ability to judge–and the world’s–certainly has some.)
I’m conflicted. But heavily leaning and falling over toward EW.
Ew. There is something wrong with both of them because they can’t have a normal, healthy relationship with nothing in common. If it makes them both happy, then whatever but it sure ain’t love!
Twitter: charismatickid
September 29, 2011 at 12:48 pm
When it gets to be that old, it all has to do with the you.. know… what.
Is he… you know what?
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
September 29, 2011 at 12:50 pm
Now I’m going to be thinking about geriatrical teabags all day.
I don’t really understand how a normal woman in her 20s finds a 60 year old attractive – it took me until my mid-twenties to appreciate a man with arm hair! I am still not ready for hair growing out of my man’s ears…
Are your parents friends with Kevin Costner? Because that would have serious impact on my choice between A and B.
When I was in my 20s I dated a guy that was 24 years older than me – and I think that may have been pushing it with the age difference. Now I’m in my early 30s and if I dated someone that was 40 years older than me they’d be the same age as my grandparents! So, while I do think that love can happen for anyone at anytime, I’m leaning towards ew.
Twitter: jukeboxbarb
September 29, 2011 at 1:47 pm
When my ex- brother-in-law married someone 25 years younger, my sister said. with no fury at all) that’s great, they can go to summer camp on their honeymoon.
Twitter: kadielynn83
September 29, 2011 at 1:53 pm
I’m gonna have to go with #2, too. She’s gotta be in it for money or something. I’m sure we all know why he’s in it….
Twitter: Peajaye
September 29, 2011 at 2:39 pm
Sadly, this is just one more example of heterosexual perversity.
Still, while some may turn their heads in disgust and even deny this couple the right to marry, I say: as long as they’re consenting adults, why not!
And as my 80 year old grandmother used to say: When life hands you tea bags, make yourself a Long Island Iced Tea.
Twitter: nystoopmama
September 29, 2011 at 4:13 pm
Hey, if she’s into elderly, wrinkled, liver- spotted saggy asses and balls then she hit the jackpot! Most guys in their 20s are dickheads.
Twitter: theflyingchlupa
September 29, 2011 at 5:03 pm
I also have to go with two because I am disgusted by geriatrical teabags.
HOWEVER – you fail to mention if Geezer is rich. In which case you can substitute “normal” for “gold-digging.”
While I don’t think 60 is exactly geezer territory, I do think a 40 year difference is way too much. I dated a guy (briefly) who was 10 years younger than me. Made me feel ancient.
Twitter: jackadillo_p
September 29, 2011 at 5:20 pm
What do they even talk about?
Her: Oh Em Gee, I loooooove Lady Gaga!
Him: I remember when JFK was assassinated.
Her: Was he in a band?
I just … I don’t know how to speak to adults who don’t share the same nonsense pop culture experiences. Like, I could never, ever date someone who didn’t know what a flux capacitor is.
But then, I’m pretty shallow.
Twitter: gdrpempress
September 29, 2011 at 6:23 pm
I know, in my heart, that Awesome Dude is No. 2.
Because he is grounded and realistic like that.
No head in the clouds stuff for him.
Uh… yuck.
I have to go burn my brain… can’t stop thinking about geriatrical teabags.
Position 2 obviously. I’m with mama.
Twitter: Littlebabyblog
September 30, 2011 at 12:47 am
I’m sure she’s fine with the geriatric teabags, as long as they make the jingling jangling sound of money when they slap her in the ass.
I’m with #2, but I’m gonna say that’s Papa.
Twitter: penbleth
September 30, 2011 at 4:19 am
Option 2. At least one, if not both of these two are using the other. And even if that wasn’t the case, yuck.
Position two. But my answer should not be taken into account since I am on heavy medication and probabl delirious
Ok, I know everyone is being light-hearted about everything they wrote above, but really? I thought we were past judging who people love. Equal rights for everyone, right? Does this mean only equal rights for interracial/inter-religious/homosexual/insert-other-off-the-grid-tendency couples?
What’s the big deal? I mean, if it were my daughter marrying an older man, I’d be upset because the obvious lack of time that they could have together would be depressing. And the ability to be an active father to any kids they may have would be WAY less than a man her own age. BUT. If someone in this world makes you happy, then you hold onto that person.
To be fair, the ability of older men to marry women young enough to be their granddaughters is protected in every state in this country. And as far as I know has never been illegal.
And I’m not convinced that this has anything to do with love.
Twitter: marta28
September 30, 2011 at 10:32 am
Yeah that’s too much of age difference. My best friend is married to someone 18 years older than her and another acquaintance is dating someone 25 years older than her (both of my friends are in their 20s) but 40 years older… well I’m hoping geezer has a whole lot of money and looks like Harrison Ford.
well thanks! i’m going to go dump my tea and switch to coffee. geriatric teabags indeed. Ewww!
There is no Position 1. Good God.
I can’t imagine my child’s grandparents talking about geriatric teabags. I just, can’t.
I guess I have to ask if anything else goes with the money? Say, Sting like good looks?
For the purpose of picking a winner I vote for Position 2. In reality I have to assume that each is getting *something* out of the deal, so good for them.
Position Two. I’m in my late 20s and couldn’t imagine being with someone so much older. I could barely imagine being with someone in their 40s…
Position 2. It’s gross!
Twitter: ludakristen
September 30, 2011 at 1:35 pm
Position 2. Definitely, 100%, totally position 2.
Twitter: ludakristen
September 30, 2011 at 1:37 pm
“Ok, I know everyone is being light-hearted about everything they wrote above, but really? I thought we were past judging who people love. Equal rights for everyone, right? Does this mean only equal rights for interracial/inter-religious/homosexual/insert-other-off-the-grid-tendency couples?
What’s the big deal? I mean, if it were my daughter marrying an older man, I’d be upset because the obvious lack of time that they could have together would be depressing. And the ability to be an active father to any kids they may have would be WAY less than a man her own age. BUT. If someone in this world makes you happy, then you hold onto that person.”
The sole purpose of this argument is to make a judgment/share our opinion. It’s not about equal rights. Nobody’s arguing that we’re so disgusted by this relationship that their rights should be revoked. It’s just fucking weird. And we’re entitled to think that, just like someone’s entitled to think homosexuality is fucking weird.
True. And I’m entitled to offended by someone who thinks homosexuality is fucking weird, just as that person is entitled to feel that way. But I find it ironic that people are so quick to judge and make fun of other relationships. If every person here were to talk about how horrible they thought homosexuality was, there would be an entirely different feel the comments, wouldn’t there?
Having a daughter in her early twentys make this a no-brainer for me. The thought of her in a relationship with someone almost old enough to be my father makes my feel ill. I’m definitely in agreement with Position 2.
Maybe Ms. 20-Something has some sort of medical issue and Mr. 60-something has a medical issue, and neither are in it for the sex.
Plus he has money.
Plus she has good eyesight and can drive.
Who knows? I’m not going to assume nubile or randy on either part.
Twitter: annanonamus
September 30, 2011 at 3:39 pm
I think on the side of Geezer, love has no age. On the side of Gold digger, love has an age, and it isn’t 60.
Twitter: Glamamom
September 30, 2011 at 6:44 pm
It didn’t work for Ashton and Demi…
2! With apologies to Woody Allen (or not)
With this much of an age difference between two people, this has nothing to do with true love. I’m sorry, I don’t buy it!
I’m betting on your mom saying the teabags. And I have to agree. Love has no age over 20 years’ difference.
Twitter: FairlyOddMother
October 1, 2011 at 9:52 pm
Hmmm. . .that’s like saying I could be someday dating someone who is being born right now. And as someone who feels like she’s been around the proverbial block a few times, that seems like waaaaay too big an age span. . .
My first guess is “gold digger” but then, love can be a weird thing. I had crushes on at least one teacher in all my years of schooling, so maybe this is “luv”—but, good god, what do they talk about?
Twitter: asideofrice
October 3, 2011 at 7:43 am
I’m going with position 2. Unless the geriatrical teabagger and 20 year old already have that in their repertoire. In which case, I’m totally grossed out.
Twitter: bmt108
October 4, 2011 at 12:22 am
Flo Rida’s song Low popped into my head when I read this because that’s what his teabags are going to be doing. Yuck. Kelly mentioned them hitting her on the ass but I am picturing the back of the knees. Double yuck. I’m all for dating/marrying the person you love but I can’t imagine these two have anything in common. They are from completely different generations. Do you agree with every outlook that your grandmother/grandfather has?
Hmmm, I completely disagree with some people here. I think geezer is handsome (I’m thinking Paul Newman or Sean Connery) and 20-something is plain. 60 for some guys is not as old as 40 is for others.
But anyway, still kinda gross.