From the monthly archives:

August 2013


August 11, 2013

It’s a little awkward, when you drive to Maryland to pick up your kid from baseball camp, and then as you’re standing around with the other parents waiting for the game to end, and casually mention that you’re one of the most devoted parents in the history of parenthood because you made this trip all […]

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August 5, 2013

Please know that I love reality TV and books and talking for hours with friends and walks on the beach (I guess) and margaritas and a crisp Pinot Grigio but there is absolutely nothing I love in this world that approaches how much my son loves baseball. Nothing. He never says “I love baseball” but […]

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August 2, 2013

Even though I live in the heart (or some other important organ) of NYC, I always order food from the same three places. Because when you order from A New Place, it is fraught with danger and disappointment and apparently famine. But the other night my daughter wanted Indian food, so I called a new […]

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