From the monthly archives:

December 2011


December 14, 2011

One of the ongoing mysteries of my life is why my son cannot place trash into the trash can. This is sequel Mystery of Why The Laundry Does Not Get Placed Into the Hamper and is being sold with Why The Dirty Dishes Relax In the Sink as Opposed to The Say, Oh, I Don’t […]

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The List

December 9, 2011

The holidays are around the corner (don’t bump into them!) so obviously we’re all focused on gifts. “I don’t think we should exchange gifts this year,” I tell Husbandrinka. “Oh,” he says, pouting a bit. “I already made a list.” So then I have to pretend that I’m interested in his list, but fortunately this […]

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December 6, 2011

If your ten year old Young Ladrinka calls out to you, from his room, in a voice dubbed by an angel, “Mom, I’m tired! Could you please come and tuck me in? I want to tell you about my day!” and you sing, “I’ll be right there, sunbeam!” and then you go to tuck in […]

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How To Change The Toilet Paper Roll

December 5, 2011

Welcome back to the absolutely-no-award-winning series where I teach you how to do things. Through my loving leadership, we already learned how to take the escalator and how to decide when to use Reply vs. Reply All , so we are now feeling advanced. That’s why I think we are ready to tackle The Art […]

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Unusual Advice

December 1, 2011

I’ve been lucky. Knock on wood. I’ve been lucky because generally speaking, none of the people in my life gave me insane advice about my children’s health. Mainly because I’ve embraced most of it myself. This is a sponsored post. I am honored to have been a Million Moms Challenge blogger. Please consider commenting on […]

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