From the monthly archives:

November 2011

I’m Right, You’re Wrong!

November 16, 2011

Welcome back to I’m Right, You’re Wrong, a fun feature where you decide who’s right and who’s wrong.  Because you’re smart.  And almost unspeakably gorgeous. To preserve the integrity of this process, I do not reveal which positions I and my archenemy of the moment have.  So you get to decide on merit alone, and […]

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My Fake Life

November 14, 2011

I’m back from my perfect weekend in Sedona, where six of us celebrated my friend Anna’s 45th birthday. (It’s odd to have unlinkable friends, but there you have it. Some of my friends don’t have blogs.) It was amazing to be in a gorgeous setting with great, beautiful friends. Three of us went to college […]

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I Have Alarming News

November 10, 2011

I spent last night packing for my long weekend trip to Arizona. I packed yoga wear, and hiking gear and a champagne flute and then had a crisis because my mah jongg case did not fit into my suitcase and I didn’t want to check my suitcase for $25 so that I could carry on […]

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November 9, 2011

I’ve been lucky with friends. I have friends from every era of my life– high school (ok, so we’ve drifted apart), college, graduate school, various jobs I’ve had, volunteer work, mothers from each of my children’s grades, and now, blogging. I treasure these friends. Because I feel like we know each other and we understand […]

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Mama Is Upset

November 8, 2011

On Saturday afternoon I was folding laundry with pride, when Mama called me. “I’m upset,” she told me, even though she didn’t even have to say it. I could tell from her voice. “Is everything ok?” I asked. “No,” she said. “Everything is not ok. If everything was ok, I not upset.” Which made sense. […]

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I Can’t Free-Range My Kids. Should I Try?

November 6, 2011

I’m in a mood. Generally, when it comes to parenting, I feel like I know what I’m doing. Not perfectly, not cockily, but I have a sense. I know what the experts are saying, I talk to my friends, to my parents, but mostly I let my gut guide me. I set boundaries, I say […]

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November 4, 2011

This is the conversation that I had with Young Ladrinka, age 10, as we were out Trick-or-Treating. His grandfather played for the Yankees in the Minor Leagues, so for Halloween, Young Ladrinka dressed as his grandpa, in a Yankees uniform. Even though he hates the Yankees. It was, as I believe it is commonly known, […]

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I’m Kright, You’re Kwrong!

November 3, 2011

It’s time, once again, for I’m Right, You’re Wrong–a post where I share a disagreement that I had with a loved one and ask the internet to weigh in. To protect the scientific integrity of this process, I don’t disclose which position I support. This week’s dilemma is brought to us by the tragic news […]

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