From the monthly archives:

February 2010

Ug. Gs.

February 8, 2010

Two weeks ago, my daughter lost a kazillion dollar pair of Uggs. I didn’t think that it was possible for sober people to lose boots, but it is. A team sport was involved, traveling to a different school, changing in the locker room and leaving the boots behind. “You may kiss them as a goodbye,” […]

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Proof That I’m Unyoung

February 6, 2010

A few things happened this week that made me realize that I was old. Here they are, for your mocking amusement: 1. On Tuesday, my physical therapist texted me to confirm my 3 p.m. appointment. And I wanted to text back “ok” or “great”, but hipper and cooler. So I texted back “G8”. I was […]

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Don’t Marry Uma’s Ex

February 4, 2010

There things that I haven’t told you about, because I am superduper private (check out my webcam!) and also because I want to come across as relatable and likeable. For example, I haven’t told you that because we have children that are almost exactly the same age, I’ve seen Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke several […]

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Ban Big Love

February 3, 2010

I swear, I need one of those TV control things that will prevent Husbandrinka from watching Big Love ever again. Even while I watch it. For those of you whose spouses have already installed the anti-Big Love watching device on your TVs, it is a show about a huge self-righteous polygamist asshole, Bill and his […]

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Reading to Your Child. Without Losing Your Mind

February 2, 2010

Every once in a while a friend’s pregnancy or a supercute baby makes my ovaries shriek. Usually I get over it in a few days. A few days during which Husbandrinka is petrified to his very core. “We can’t afford another baby,” he tells me. “We are too old,” he says. And when I remain […]

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Stomach Ache

February 1, 2010

When Young Ladrinka was an Even Younger Ladrinka, age 4 or so, he would often complain about a stomach ache. Strangely, the stomach pain happened only on weekday mornings, right before school. In response to this medical crisis, I developed a fantastic diagnostic technique that I will now share with you, absolutely free of charge. […]

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