From the monthly archives:

August 2008

O. Hiss

August 12, 2008

My kids are at my parents’ house upstate, enjoying the summer, while their father and I toil at our offices. Air conditioned offices, within walking distance of Starbucks, but still. Yesterday morning I was talking to my mother on the phone about how annoying it is that Oprah is on the cover of every single […]

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Pre-Vacation Stress Disorder Syndrome

August 11, 2008

We are leaving for vacation on Sunday, so I am officially kicking off a week of anxiety fun that leads to the vacation. Every day this week, I will bedazzle you with stories about my worries, until one day I magically look up “bedazzle” in the dictionary and apologize for using the word incorrectly. Perhaps […]

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Saturday Tidbits

August 9, 2008

I am busy decluttering today, which so far has involved my getting rid of tons of clothes and books and papers and possibly fossils. I am in the mood to be ruthless, so I have been tossing things without a second glance, except every once in a while, I do stop and take a look […]

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August 8, 2008

You know how sometimes, for fun, we do one of those “My Week in Review” posts and it’s something like: Monday–woke up feeling great, but then chipped a nail. Damn it! Need a new manicure! Tuesday–Tivo didn’t record “Live with Regis and Kelly”. Can’t cope. I did one of those not too long ago. Here. […]

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Not So Fun Mom

August 8, 2008

Know when my kids will refer to me as “Fun Mom”? On opposite days and only then. Well, maybe if they spend some time at Gitmo, I’ll seem more fun in comparison, but I can’t make any promises. Here is the list of reasons why I am very unfun. Let me know if you need […]

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I am Practically Katie Couric!

August 7, 2008

As some of you (particularly those of you gifted in the art of ESP) may know, I recently participated in the Great Interview Experiment, organized by Neil of Citizen of the Month. I interviewed Shiny of Shiny’s Takeout. I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t fully appreciate the title of the blog until I started […]

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An Announcement from My Son

August 6, 2008

Son (7 years old): I don’t have buttocks. Marinka (age unspecified): What do you mean? Son: I don’t have buttocks. Do you want to hear it again? I don’t have buttocks. Daughter (10 years old): That’s stupid. And who cares? Son: Buttocks are important. It’s how your butt lives. Daughter: Some people have their buttocks […]

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Killing the Whole Damn Aviary With One Stone

August 6, 2008

My daughter is so bored that the she is about to win the Nobel Prize for Boredom. She is checking her pulse periodically to make sure that she is still alive, because she cannot believe that any life can be maintained while being so devoid of anything of interest. She tells me this often, and […]

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