From the monthly archives:

June 2008

Is He Toying With Me?

June 25, 2008

I asked my husband if he would do a “guest host post” on my blog and he said “yes”. WHAT? really? I asked him what he would write about and he said that he didn’t know. A clear attempt to build up mystery and interest, if you ask me. In case it’s not apparent, my […]

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What Grownups Do While Kids Sleep

June 24, 2008

I remember when I was a kid, I never wanted to go to sleep because I was convinced that my parents went to the circus and ate cake and generally had the most fun while I slept. I hated that and nothing that they said could convince me that they were really washing the dishes […]

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Beep Beep!

June 23, 2008

I have an announcement. I know–what could top my weekend freezer cleaning adventure? Well, this is life changing, and possibly life-ending. KNOCK WOOD. At the ripe age of 40something, I decided to learn how to drive. I’ve lived in NYC all of my adult life, and it’s really easy to be here without a car. […]

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Like Gloria Gaynor, I will Survive

June 22, 2008

I’m guessing that your weekend was filled with angst and anticipation because you were wondering whether I cleaned my freezer and was able to fit in the birthday ice cream cake. Yes? Well, just for you, this is the freezer “after” picture. I spent about 15 minutes googling “Martha Stewart Organized freezer”, but I didn’t […]

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The Terror Continues

June 21, 2008

You know that thing staring at you above? That’s a dead fish that was wrapped up in a paper towel, then placed in a ziplock bag and stored in our freezer until it could receive a proper burial. I’m no longer sure of its name–perhaps it was Flippy v. 5, maybe it was Cutie, or […]

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Be Afraid

June 21, 2008

So I am getting my son a Carvel cake, and hope that it doesn’t come with a recording of Tom Carvel’s voice. Which has been burned into my soul after watching many, many Carvel commercials during the 1980s. I miss the 80s. Except for Tom Carvel’s voice. Anyway, getting the Carvel cake means that I […]

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You Think You Know Someone

June 21, 2008

So, this is a fine how do you do. My husband told me this morning that he is a very private person and that he thinks some aspects of our lives should be private and not blogged about for public consumption. Huh. I see this as a direct attack on me as a woman, an […]

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The Calm Before the Storm

June 20, 2008

Tomorrow is a big day. My son turns seven and he invited three of his rowdiest, I mean “closest” friends to celebrate and spend the night. I don’t understand the celebratory nature of the sleepover, but it is entirely possible that I am behind the times on this issue. For me sleepover is like the […]

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